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Thread: Election Day Madness!

  1. #1
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    Election Day Madness!

    Who's voting? For whom, if you're willing to share?

    I saw this in the paper this morning, had to share:

    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  2. #2
    Senior Member MarkLawrence's Avatar
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    This is my first election that I'm legally allowed to vote in the US! Of course I'm voting - for who - it's complicated here in Florida - can't go with one straight party - there are crooked ones in both parties!
    Mark Lawrence - KFLL
    Davie, FL

    Community Manager
    email: [email protected]

  3. #3
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    I'm voting for a mix or Republican and Democratic candidates. The race that is the most important for me is the Islip Town Supervisor race. It comes down to Pam Greene and Phil Nolan, Greene is a throw back from McGowan's corrupt days. This race will be close and mark my words disputed. As for the other key races....

    Comptroller- Hevesi
    Attorney General- Pirro
    Senator- Clinton (flame me if you will, she's proved herself)
    Judges, I generally vote Republican down the line, the Dems are to easy on crime

  4. #4
    Senior Member RDU-JFK's Avatar
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    I last voted for the presidential election 2 years ago via an absentee ballot. I've actually never voted in person. Will my name still be on the list even though I did not vote the past 2 years?

    I'll try to vote tonight after work, even though my votes against Carpetbagger Clinton and White Wine Spitzer are useless.
    "I can't wait until tomorrow, cause I get better looking everyday"
    --Joe Namath

  5. #5
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    Everybody that can vote, should. For those that don't vote, have no reason to complain.

    Voting locations & a sample ballot
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually,
    run out of other people’s money.
    ” - Margaret Thatcher

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by RDU-JFK

    I last voted for the presidential election 2 years ago via an absentee ballot. I've actually never voted in person. Will my name still be on the list even though I did not vote the past 2 years?

    I'll try to vote tonight after work, even though my votes against Carpetbagger Clinton and White Wine Spitzer are useless.
    If you have not moved since the last time you voted, it should not be a problem, if you your name in not on the list, you can still do a write-in vote.

    If you moved, then I think you need to vote in the last district that you voted in.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually,
    run out of other people’s money.
    ” - Margaret Thatcher

  7. #7
    Senior Member RDU-JFK's Avatar
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    Thank you!!
    "I can't wait until tomorrow, cause I get better looking everyday"
    --Joe Namath

  8. #8
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    I'm voting for myself and my running mate, Dwight Eisenhhower, for the unchallenged position of Queens County Superior Comptroller Marshall Person.

    I keep seeing signs that say "Vote Aqui" just like last year, but I don't think I'll be able to find his name on the ballot again.

    I just hope I get home in time to vote later.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RDU-JFK

    I last voted for the presidential election 2 years ago via an absentee ballot. I've actually never voted in person. Will my name still be on the list even though I did not vote the past 2 years?

    I'll try to vote tonight after work, even though my votes against Carpetbagger Clinton and White Wine Spitzer are useless.
    You should be able to vote without a problem. I think it’s sad though you feel your vote is a waste. Regardless if Clinton and Spitzer are going to win it’s still your choice and there is no reason not to voice your choice in a candidate. Think of the amount of people who feel the same way and simply don't get out there and vote? Perhaps if just 10% more of the eligible voters got out and voted a strong message would be sent to our gov't.

    As for Clinton being a so called carpetbagger I really don't see what the big deal is? She wanted to run for Senate, the NY election was up she picked NY. The fact of the matter is if she sucked that bad she wouldn't have won or wouldn't be as far ahead in the poles that she is now. I know a few people upstate who've contacted her before and they say her office responds, to me that's what counts, listening to and responding to the people you serve. In fact a few years ago when I had my run in with SCPD at ISP I contacted her office and they responded in kind. I don't agree 100% with some of her beliefs but when it comes to the issues that directly affect me she responded and I highly respect that.

    When it comes to the elections its important not to get caught up in the media firestorm and negative ads that run. I know with busy lives it’s hard to do research on your own but I make it a point of taking a Sunday and simply doing some research on the folks running. If I simply listened to the ads I wouldn't vote for any of them.

    I have somewhat of a strong opinion on people who never vote. My belief is if you never vote then your citizenship should be stripped and the rights that go along with that honor. Why be a citizen in a democracy if you’re not going to participate in the system?

  10. #10
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-Bird76
    As for Clinton being a so called carpetbagger I really don't see what the big deal is? She wanted to run for Senate, the NY election was up she picked NY.
    That's exactly what I have a problem with. Who si she to just pick a place that she wants to represent, buy a property and try to run it?

    Not to mention the fact that she is/would be an absolute nobody if it wasn't for her husband. It's difficult for me to respect someone that succeeds by riding her husabnd's coattails, and then comes off as a role model for women? Isn't that the OPPOSITE of women's lib...using your husband's worth for your own success?

    I'm open to giving her a chance, but it's going to take more than a few years fo pleasing peopel itne Adironacks to make that happen.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  11. #11
    Senior Member RDU-JFK's Avatar
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    I agree with your voting points. I fully intend to vote, but being a conservative in Brooklyn is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. In very local elections a republican hasn't won in years. My main beef with the system is with the presidential elections. THAT's when my vote truly doesn't count. New York will ALWAYS vote for the democrat for the presidential election, so my vote is thrown away. The electoral college does not work. I fully admit it, even if it helped Bush win in 2000. My vote for Bush had no impact on his re-election in 2004.

    Being a conservative in Brooklyn is frustrating because you have no political voice. Nevertheless I will vote after work.

    I just hope that my name is in the book! Someone once told me that if you never voted in person and you havent done an absentee ballot in a few years, you were taken off the list. I hope this is not the case!
    "I can't wait until tomorrow, cause I get better looking everyday"
    --Joe Namath

  12. #12
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    I agree with you, RDU. I, too, am outnumbered in NY as a registered Republican.

    The way that I've been using to make my contribution larger than jsut my one vote is to vote in stead of my deceased relatives.

    I'm kidding.

    But seriously, I vote in place of my dead relatives. Ok, I'm kidding.

    Honestly, though, I try to make up for my lack of voice by putting more of a voice in others. I constantly learn of people around me that don't vote because they feel that they just don't know enough about what's going on in politics these days. I attempt to educate them with as minimal a bias as possible, and persuade them to vote for SOMEONE. I can only hope that they choose right.....and I mean right. haha
    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  13. #13
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by RDU-JFK

    I agree with your voting points. I fully intend to vote, but being a conservative in Brooklyn is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. In very local elections a republican hasn't won in years. My main beef with the system is with the presidential elections. THAT's when my vote truly doesn't count. New York will ALWAYS vote for the democrat for the presidential election, so my vote is thrown away. The electoral college does not work. I fully admit it, even if it helped Bush win in 2000. My vote for Bush had no impact on his re-election in 2004.

    Being a conservative in Brooklyn is frustrating because you have no political voice. Nevertheless I will vote after work.

    I just hope that my name is in the book! Someone once told me that if you never voted in person and you havent done an absentee ballot in a few years, you were taken off the list. I hope this is not the case!
    Your vote when added to the millions of other votes do make a difference.

    As to the Electoral College, it works the way it is supposed to vote, it gives the States a say as to who is President of the "United States" of America.

    What "some" people forget is that this is one country, made up of "50" States.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually,
    run out of other people’s money.
    ” - Margaret Thatcher

  14. #14
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    [quote=Phil D.]
    Quote Originally Posted by "T-Bird76":18d33
    As for Clinton being a so called carpetbagger I really don't see what the big deal is? She wanted to run for Senate, the NY election was up she picked NY.
    That's exactly what I have a problem with. Who si she to just pick a place that she wants to represent, buy a property and try to run it?

    Not to mention the fact that she is/would be an absolute nobody if it wasn't for her husband. It's difficult for me to respect someone that succeeds by riding her husabnd's coattails, and then comes off as a role model for women? Isn't that the OPPOSITE of women's lib...using your husband's worth for your own success?

    I'm open to giving her a chance, but it's going to take more than a few years fo pleasing peopel itne Adironacks to make that happen.[/quote:18d33]

    Phil answer me this what if the difference between her and someone else? I think we get way too caught up in this argument that really doesn't have much validity to it; it’s a fallacy with flawed reasoning and nothing more. What is the difference between her moving here and a so called native New Yorker running? Lazio was a total moron who couldn't do a dam thing without his handlers around him. If this logic was true about moving to a state to run we could say the same thing about Arnold in Cali, Bush in Florida, etc etc. btw the term carpetbaggers generally referrers to Northern Republicans who went to the south after the civil war, so any Republican using that term to describe Clinton really needs to learn the definition first. If you don’t support her beliefs that’s one thing but you’re much more intelligent then to take the carpetbagger stance not to vote for her.

    Also how on earth do you say with any logical reasoning she would be nothing without Bill? She was already a highly successful lawyer with political ambitions before Bill was President that simply gave her a launching platform to further her goals. I fail to see the problem with using existing opportunities to do something you want to do. I think most people in this country would use any means open to them to further their goals, that’s what the land of opportunity means

    I think you statement about upstaters is absolutely stereotypical of most down staters. New York has always been spilt and we've always had one Senator that focuses on upstate while one focuses on downstate.

    Again this entire argument about her moving here is nothing more then a fallacy and an old argument without merit. The Republicans in this state are just pathetic, they did a $hit job with this election. They didn't put Faso up against Spitzer in a debate; they basically left John Spencer out in the woods to starve to death. If they gave Faso more support he might just have a chance, he’s a pretty smart guy with some good ideas, but he is going to get destroyed.

  15. #15
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    1. Just as you say, the state has always been split. With her being an upstate Senator, her interests are not generally in the best of mine. Therefore, I have little interest in voting for her.

    2. Even with her being a "successful lawyer" and having political aspirations, he wouldn't have been able to become NY Senator without the status of her husband. There are thousands of people that are lawyer who want political office, and the chances of her making the pros would have been as tough as that of any of them if she didn't barnacle on the hull SS Bill Clinton.

    3. Just becuase the people she's ran against are dip****s doesn't mean she's the good for the job, either. I am not going to play the "lesser of two evils" game in politics anymore. I'd rather vote for "Everybody Loves Raymond" at 7pm than turn a lever for someone who hasn't earned my support.

    4. ULTIMATELY, in the end, I don't even care about any of that stuff if she does a good job. And, as I said in my first post which apparently went ignored, it's going to take more than just a couple years of pleasing upstate farmers and skiers to earn my vote.

    Maybe in 6 more years.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].


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