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Thread: Observation regarding American Idol

  1. #1
    Moderator mirrodie's Avatar
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    Me like the Robert Downey Jr of cooooooookies!

    Observation regarding American Idol

    WHile I am not a fan of the show, my wife does have an interest in this show and others focusing on the arts, singing , dancing, etc.

    SO even if you don't watch the show, most of us know of this Sunjaya guy. Some lady claimed to hold a hunger strike til he is sent off. I actually didn't realize the "impact" of the show and this character until I read about him in a news magazine (might have been US NEws and World Reprt or something to that end.)

    ONe quip of the article suggested that perhaps Americans are trying to prove a point that the best vocalist/contestant doesnt necessarily win and that it may be a mockery of the show.

    So the obvious question here is.....if the public can't pick a best singer for a show, where do we get off thinking we can pick a decent president??

    g'morning Phil. 8)
    And I, I took the path less traveled by
    and that has made all the difference......yet...
    I have a feeling a handle of people are going to be very interested in what I post in the near future.

  2. #2
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    Well if we had decent choices we might be able to pick a good leader but last election you had Kerry and Bush. Kerry had no agenda so you didn't know what you were getting into, and Bush, well we knew Bush's agenda, even though it blows we knew what we were getting. I guess it was stick with what you know.

    As for the next election there is only one person who can lead this country and that's Fred Thompson. He's a Regan Conservative with real ideas for America and a proven track record. I'm predicting a Thompson and Rudy as the ticket in 08.

    As for Sunjaya he's the flavor of the week, in six months no one will remember or give a rat’s ass about him. He has no talent at all and should have been booted off god knows how long ago.

    Oh how the hell do we discuss the leader of our country and some skinny 17 year old in the same post? Only Mario could pull this off. lol

  3. #3
    Senior Member moose135's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-Bird76
    As for the next election there is only one person who can lead this country and that's Fred Thompson.
    What, and quit his job as Manhattan DA? :D

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by moose135
    Quote Originally Posted by T-Bird76
    As for the next election there is only one person who can lead this country and that's Fred Thompson.
    What, and quit his job as Manhattan DA? :D
    Oh comon Moose you know the Dems have crap out there right now. Hillary is losing speed, Obama is nothing but show, and Edwards doesn't even get the support of his home state.

    Fred Thompson is totally clean, he left office in very high regard he's no nonsense, objective, smart, he has presence, passion, and the track record we need. I'm for Thompson in 08!

  5. #5
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    Re: Observation regarding American Idol

    Quote Originally Posted by mirrodie
    WHile I am not a fan of the show, my wife does have an interest in this show and others focusing on the arts, singing , dancing, etc.

    SO even if you don't watch the show, most of us know of this Sunjaya guy. Some lady claimed to hold a hunger strike til he is sent off. I actually didn't realize the "impact" of the show and this character until I read about him in a news magazine (might have been US NEws and World Reprt or something to that end.)

    ONe quip of the article suggested that perhaps Americans are trying to prove a point that the best vocalist/contestant doesnt necessarily win and that it may be a mockery of the show.

    So the obvious question here is.....if the public can't pick a best singer for a show, where do we get off thinking we can pick a decent president??

    g'morning Phil. 8)
    The name of the show is called "American Idol", so, the best singer may not win. However, the winners of American Idol do quite well on the billboards.

    Picking a decent President, any type of election, the best candiate does not always win.

    It is always hard to judge a President in the present day, it takes history to judge a President.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by T-Bird76
    As for the next election there is only one person who can lead this country and that's Fred Thompson. He's a Regan Conservative with real ideas for America and a proven track record. I'm predicting a Thompson and Rudy as the ticket in 08.
    A Rudi/Thompson ticket would be quite interesting.
    The problem with socialism is that you eventually,
    run out of other people’s money.
    ” - Margaret Thatcher

  7. #7
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    [quote=Midnight Mike]
    Quote Originally Posted by "T-Bird76":db257
    As for the next election there is only one person who can lead this country and that's Fred Thompson. He's a Regan Conservative with real ideas for America and a proven track record. I'm predicting a Thompson and Rudy as the ticket in 08.
    A Rudi/Thompson ticket would be quite interesting.[/quote:db257]

    No No Mike you got it wrong....Thompson/Rudy! Rudy will be VP, no way will he get the oval ofice.

  8. #8
    Moderator Matt Molnar's Avatar
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    I'd vote for him, but with his family issues, his stance on abortion, Bernard Kerik going on trial, and his continuous campaign gaffes (according to Rudy, a gallon of milk is $1.50, a loaf of bread is $1.25, and his wife is going to help write national health care policy), I think Rudy is done. It's only a matter of time before the GOP dumps him.

    Sanjaya remains on the show because along with the millions of votes garnered by and Howard Stern, every single Indian in America votes for him every week.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member hiss srq's Avatar
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    I think Rudy will be okay. Statistics stil.l show him very strong leading or tied in the polls with Hillbillary the boonies queen Clinton in overall while Hill leads the ass'es. Another intresting note is Fred Thompson is a cancer paitent. Lymphoma of some sort. He is in remission though.
    Southwest Airlines-"Once it pop's it's time to stop" Southwest Airlines-"Our Shamu's are almost real" Southwest Airlines -"We blow our top real easy" Southwest Airlines- "You can't top us..... really"

  10. #10
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    Thompson was ok as a New York DA, but I don't like him at all becuase he had a SERIOUS attitude problem when he was White House Chief of Staff.

    Oh, wait, that was when he was in "In the Line of Fire" with Clint Eastwood and Law & Order. My bad.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by hiss srq
    I think Rudy will be okay. Statistics stil.l show him very strong leading or tied in the polls with Hillbillary the boonies queen Clinton in overall while Hill leads the ass'es. Another intresting note is Fred Thompson is a cancer paitent. Lymphoma of some sort. He is in remission though.
    Ryan, Rudy is cancer patient to, he had prostrate cancer. Even though he got a clean bill of health it can always return. If Thompson is well enough and his doctors believe he won't have relapse that may affect his leadership abilities I truly hope he does run.

  12. #12
    Whatever happened to all those Reagan conservatives anyway? I always thought the Republicans, especially the Reagan conservative types were all for small government and balanced budgets.

    As an economist I seem to recall that the first massive budget deficit was piled up by Ronald Reagan, the great conservative himself.

    Then, the largest budget deficit in our history has been piled up by a second arch conservative, George Bush.

    I also recall the only time that our budget deficit was balanced and actually paid down was under a so called liberal leader named Bill Clinton.

    So given a choice betweeen more of the same slight of hand from the Reagan conservatives who say one thing and practice another and who dig deep into the pockets of the middle class to make the elite rich even richer, I don't think so.

    Enough is enough. I'm voting for the Democrats who have a better track record with fiscal responsibility.

    And while I'm not a member of the middle class, I know that the health and stability of the middle class affects my financial stability as well as teh stability of the nation.

  13. #13
    Moderator Matt Molnar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatSiteCongrats
    I also recall the only time that our budget deficit was balanced and actually paid down was under a so called liberal leader named Bill Clinton.
    Republicans, led by the truly conservative Newt Gingrich, took over Congress during Clinton's presidency. I think if a Democrat wins the White House in '08 and the Dems maintain control of Congress, the economic results will not be as pretty.
    Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem.
    All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them under control.
    I trust you are not in too much distress. —Captain Eric Moody, British Airways Flight 9

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreatSiteCongrats
    Whatever happened to all those Reagan conservatives anyway? I always thought the Republicans, especially the Reagan conservative types were all for small government and balanced budgets.

    As an economist I seem to recall that the first massive budget deficit was piled up by Ronald Reagan, the great conservative himself.

    Then, the largest budget deficit in our history has been piled up by a second arch conservative, George Bush.

    I also recall the only time that our budget deficit was balanced and actually paid down was under a so called liberal leader named Bill Clinton.

    So given a choice betweeen more of the same slight of hand from the Reagan conservatives who say one thing and practice another and who dig deep into the pockets of the middle class to make the elite rich even richer, I don't think so.

    Enough is enough. I'm voting for the Democrats who have a better track record with fiscal responsibility.

    And while I'm not a member of the middle class, I know that the health and stability of the middle class affects my financial stability as well as teh stability of the nation.
    You go ahead and follow that belief.....Clinton sold our security right out from under us, his piss poor military and intelligence polices let 9/11 happen. Do you honestly believe polices of a President have an immediate impact on the country? It can take years for a President's polices to have an effect. The policies of Regan and the investments made to defense technology were the reason why the 90s saw the greatest economic boom this country has ever seen. Clinton in no way had anything to do with that. The economy under Clinton was already starting to turn south because of his lack luster economic polices; Bush was left with his legacy.

    Oh go read what your buddies the Dems want to do with the budget and the Iraq funding bill. They've tacked on some great additions to the Iraq war bill that have nothing to do with Iraq. Pelosi's visit to Syria in my opinion is nothing short of treason to this nation and a slap in the face to each and every one of us. She had no right going over there without the constant of the President; this is who you want to vote for. This country more and more is moving away from the values and beliefs it was founded on and we need a leader who will bring those values back. The problem with Bush is he has no spin anymore, he's given up. A real leader would be charging ahead putting America first! Someone like Thompson and Rudy can do that. We've seemed to forget that this is America, we have our own culture and value system but we've resigned ourselves to make everyone who comes to this country feel like their value system is somehow more important then ours.

    I was talking to someone last night and I believe the terrorists and radical Islam are winning this war. We are bending over backwards for these people and they haven't helped us one bit in the war on terror. They sue us when we look at them wrong, they refuse to do their jobs if it interferes with their religion, they just don't fit in, and the Dems make it seem like it’s our fault. Go ahead vote against the future of this country because voting Dem is exactly that.

  15. #15
    I'm always amused when a non economist tries to tell an economist what the economy has done and why, mostly based on the nonsense spouted in the media and political propaganda.

    As to 911, that has been coopted as a classic politcal tactic citing security as the excuse for every great folly.

    As to Newt Gingrich...let each one make up his own mind on him.

    As to the great military buildup, we've seen the results in Iraq where we've proven that our military is too expensive to use, our technology does not ultimately win the war and as a society we are not willing to shoulder great losses to prevail.

    While we are busy thinking we are great and mighty, the world is out-competing us on every level. How long will this last?


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