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Thread: Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

  1. #16
    Senior Member MarkLawrence's Avatar
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    Guys - can't we agree that both sites are great for pictures and most of us have pictures on both. I'm reminded of a point that was made before on another topic - any visitors to the site thinking of joining are going to see the back and forth and wonder if they really should join. Both and have their place in the internet world.
    Mark Lawrence - KFLL
    Davie, FL

    Community Manager
    email: [email protected]

  2. #17
    Senior Member
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    That's the point. No one was arguing about it at all (and honestly, I don't think anyone is arguing about it still...except Jakub). The thread was just congratulating JP for the milestone and Phil made and observation that was taken out of context, twisted around and thrown entirely out of proportion.

    You know, we are very, very careful (as mods) about what type of "Anet vs JP" conversation we even allow on these boards. We delete plenty of threads started by new members who don't know what kind of trouble that starts to avoid the unnecessary drama.

  3. #18
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    Well I will repeat what I said, you can sense the favoritism that JP receives on these boards and saying anything against or suggesting anything gets blown out of proportion, because of people who cannot maintain neutral views.
    Jakub, Last time I checked, YOU, yes YOU, brought up this arguement. You started this tussle we have at hand. We were having a great post just congratulating JP on there photos. And you have to come in saying just because YOU think that Phil is taking a stab at, when in fact he wasn't, that this forum is biased. So if you think that NYCA is biased, WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE. Ask yourself, if your always sensing that there is "photowebsitism"(couldn't think of the word), then why bother posting here. It is only creating problems and fights that are all little kilobytes on a server. In the long run, do these forums actually have a big impact on our lives? Will you die because someone made fun of Just ask yourself...

    EDIT: In response to Omar's post below, my "do these forums have an impact on your life" was meant towards fighting and arguing on the board. sorry to all offended.
    "lol retart"

  4. #19
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    Quote Originally Posted by stuart schechter
    In the long run, do these forums actually have a big impact on our lives?
    Actually, they do.
    I have met many great people through these forums whom I consider close friends in "real life"; that is, outside of the boundaries of this site. As such, the forums have had a substantial positive impact on my life. Forum members are more than just usernames and avatars on a computer screen; they are real people who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Jakub can't just give other members a hard time in the forums and expect to interact with them at the next spotting outing as if nothing ever happened.
    Always act appropriately and respect each other, whether online or in person.

    -Omar S. :)

  5. #20
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    All I see is that some people unfortunatley take this way too seriously, and want to create drama over some very unnecessary and petty topics.

    Only one instnace in my "aviation" life have I showed any malicious feeling towards another person or establishment publicly, and I have since apologized publicly for it (a person, not a member of this site). I'm only shocked, as it's difficult to take this seriously enough to be insulted anymore, that anyone would think that I actually embrace or go out of my way to SUPPORT a bias or harbor negative feelings towards anyone or anything pertaining to this hobby at this point in time.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].

  6. #21
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    Quote Originally Posted by T-Bird76
    Jakub you seem to be twisting words, yes I did say was crap simply because I know I can get a response or a look from you, which I did, so mission accomplished, its called busting chops. My friends and I bust each other all the time with stuff that we know gets under our skins.
    Yes, Tommy but if I had said that about JP you would've taken it as an grave offense. Stop trying to get out of something on a good note. You know what you did and it would be noble of you to admit to it. I didn't twist words I wrote what you said and you're making an attempt to save your image. Tommy when you brought up the topic of Anet everyone was in my face making ridiculous accusations that "anet's this anet's that." You took great pleasure in it having an ignorant smirk on your face.

    Quote Originally Posted by jran225
    Hey, YOU were the one who originally saw Phil's post as criticism (which it clearly wasn't..) and YOU were the one who blew this whole thing out of proportions. Also, Phil replied and tried to clarify his first post to avoid further misinterpretation, yet you brushed this off and continued with your controversy. This all just bleeds hypocricy. You alone are at fault, so stop trying to cover your ass by blaming members who acted appropriately.
    There is absolutely nothing wrong with the way this forum is run and if you're unhappy with it, I suggest you leave rather than causing trouble.
    Omar first of all where are you coming from? I felt that Phil's post hinted criticism and I will not rebuke this. Phil's reply was vague and in turn it went on to attack me. When I see something that goes against my ideals I will step into it. I actually had no intention to replying to this thread, but Phil's post caused me to do so.

    Quote Originally Posted by jran225
    Hang around spots and ruin them for everyone? I don't even understand what you are trying to say. What the hell does this have to do with anything? Stop accusing others of being immature, as clearly you are the only one guilty of this.
    If this thread has proven anything at all, then it is that YOU are the one who cannot interperet the humor in other members' posts.
    Yes, you are entitled to an opinion, but unless it relates to the subject at hand, you need to keep it to yourself or at least message privately with the member you disagree with as to ruining the discussion for everybody.
    Your lack of comprehension of this matter has a simple explanation to it. You're an out of towner, not that it's anything negative, but you didn't follow an earlier thread in the spotter blotter. If you'd have know what its content was you would've clearly understood what I had on my mind. So this brings me to a question. Omar what are your intentions? You replied when you saw that Phil was under attack. Basically your seeing what he said in the exact same way he wants you to see this. Phil I didn't want to drag you into this, but Omar made a fool out of himself by making prejudice statements that were aimed at your defense.

    Quote Originally Posted by jran225
    I've had a long and stressful day in and out of lectures. I get home, log on, open this thread expecting to read about a topic that I was genuinely interested it (JP's 1,000,000th shot) and instead I find myself spending my time trying to put some ignorant little kid in his place. I suggest you get off your ego-trip and think about what other members have said to you before you post anything else..
    Omar honestly who cares about your day? Frankly I don't. Your tackiness just proves that you sound like a brat. You make points according to your feelings. It looks like that you had a bad day so you decided to take it out on me. You insulted me by suggesting I am stupid and that I'm an "ignorant little kid." Who are you to say that you came to put me in my place? What gives you the right? You consider yourself too imperious, you like to dominate. The character of your response clearly displays this. If your ranking people that shows you what type of a person you are. By calling me a “little kid” you exposed it. This shows that your intention was to pick on the weak; well in that case you were proven wrong, because I am neither week nor a kid.

    Let's face it, you sat in class all day, on your behind doing nothing but listening to a lecture. I don't think that you were so stressed. You don't get a stomach ulcer from it. As I suggested you're a brat and if life would give you a kick you'd understand what it real is about. It's not about only "me."

    Quote Originally Posted by jran225
    Forum members are more than just usernames and avatars on a computer screen; they are real people who deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Jakub can't just give other members a hard time in the forums and expect to interact with them at the next spotting outing as if nothing ever happened.
    Always act appropriately and respect each other, whether online or in person.
    Listen to these hypocrisies! First he writes that I am a low-life who has no say and then he says that we should respect and treat people with dignity. Thank you oh dear mentor! You're the example that I sought...

  7. #22
    Senior Member
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    Yes, Tommy but if I had said that about JP you would've taken it as a grave offense. Stop trying to get out of something on a good note. You know what you did and it would be noble of you to admit to it. I didn't twist words I wrote what you said and you're making an attempt to save your image. Tommy when you brought up the topic of Anet everyone was in my face making ridiculous accusations that "anet's this anet's that." You took great pleasure in it having an ignorant smirk on your face.
    Save my image Jakub? I think my image and reputation are just fine. I also recall I did admit that I said sucks, I say that about a million times to Nick as well because like you it gets under his skin, and Nick turns around and tells me sucks and that we only have an accept button. Also you should listen to Omar, I've met him a number of times, and he’s a pretty smart fellow and someone that doesn't hide behind the cloak of a computer. I haven't found a topic yet to debate with Omar on but I dare say I think I'd enjoy it when I do because he doesn't lie, make things up, and respects other people's opinions even though those opinions aren't his.

    Jakub what you did was wrong; you've done it before to Phil and this site. Myself personally I find it laughable that you think Phil has some kind of hidden agenda but the reality is it’s sad. Its mentally unhealthy that you would go out of you're way to continue to try to discredit the work Phil has done. What you won't admit because you're not fully aware of it is that you're jealous of others and the relationships that this site has created. That underlying jealously is your motivation behind your remarks and the constant attempts to discredit the work that is done here. The members who responded to this thread made very good points, you believe they are all wrong but perhaps you are the one that is wrong. That is the last I'll speak on this topic but I do wish you luck in your future endeavors and hope that in the future you will not be so quick to react to a simple comment with such anger and hate.

  8. #23
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    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    I will be glad to read it. You're not willing to write it here because you most probably will be unable to stick to your own rules.

  9. #24
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    Queens, NY

    Re: Congrats JP! 1,000,000 pics

    It's clear we're not getting anywhere here. Some people are just stuck in their views.

    I can be emailed or PMed if anyone would like to continue the discussion.

    This thread will now be locked.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].


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