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Thread: Fitness Question

  1. #1
    Senior Member RDU-JFK's Avatar
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    Fitness Question

    Are there any fitness junkies in the forum? I've developed a small pot belly in the past few months as my metabolism has seemed to have disappeared, along with a very stressful summer.

    I don't know much about fitness and weight loss, but what is the best way to make a dent on losing some of this gut weight?

    I do not belong to a gym and do not wish to, and the only equipment available to me are my legs and ipod. Can I lose it from sit-ups alone or should I run first to get my cardio up, then do sit-ups? And how much would I have to run everyday to get a good burn going?

    I realize that everyone is different, but any insight or suggestions would be helpful. I eat balanced meals as well.

    Thanks, all!
    "I can't wait until tomorrow, cause I get better looking everyday"
    --Joe Namath

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Sits up do not help you lose weight; they build muscle around the abs. You need to do cardio, otherwise you'll have rock hard abs being covered by a layer of fat. Cardio burns fat and helps to kick up your metabolism. 30 mins of high impact cardio four days a week with proper diet will help. Do you drink at all? If so STOP! There is a reason they call it a beer belly. Alcohol in general is not good for the body being most alcohol has lots of sugar which turns into fat

  3. #3
    Senior Member RDU-JFK's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for the info! Honestly I don't know why I gained the weight, and I don't drink that much--just the occasional beer or two.
    "I can't wait until tomorrow, cause I get better looking everyday"
    --Joe Namath

  4. #4
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    Funny you bring this up today, this article just made MSNBC.

    FTC fines 4 diet pill makers for false claims
    Makers of Xenadrine EFX, TrimSpa, others to pay millions for false claims
    The Associated Press
    Updated: 11:38 a.m. ET Jan 4, 2007
    WASHINGTON - The Federal Trade Commission on Thursday fined the marketers of four weight loss pills $25 million for making false advertising claims ranging from rapid weight loss to reducing the risk of cancer.

    FTC Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras said the products would remain on store shelves, but that the companies would have to stop making the false claims.

    “What we challenge is the marketing of the claims,” she said. “The marketers are required to back up the claims with the science and if they can’t do that they can’t make the claim. But we don’t ban the products from the shelves.”

    The FTC investigated a variety of claims made — including rapid weight loss and reduction in the risk of osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s and even cancer, Majoras noted.

    Fines were levied against marketers of Xenadrine EFX, One A Day Weight Smart, CortiSlim and TrimSpa.

    Telephone calls to the marketers seeking comment were not immediately returned Thursday.

    Majoras said that some of the money paid as civil fines would be returned to consumers. “We always try to get money back when consumers have been deceived,” she said. “In this instance I’m pleased to say that I believe we’re going to get millions back from some of these products to be able to return it to consumers.”

    The largest fine was levied against two marketers of Xenadrine EFX, made by New Jersey-based Nutraquest, Inc., formerly known as Cytodyne Technologies. The marketers will pay at least $8 million and as much as $12.8 million. A federal lawsuit has been filed in Newark, N.J.

    A $12 million fine was assessed against seven marketers of CortiSlim and CortiStress. The marketers were identified as Window Rock Health Laboratories, based in Brea, Calif.

    The Bayer Corp., based in Morristown, N.J., will pay a $3.2 million civil penalty to settle the claims and agreed to stop ads that say the multivitamins can increase metabolism. TrimSpa, based in Whippany, N.J., will pay $1.5 million.

    Majoras cautioned the estimated 70 million Americans trying to lose weight not to turn to pills.

    “You’re not going to find weight loss in a bottle of pills,” she said.

    Placebo more effective
    She said the FTC investigation found that the marketers of Xenadrine had a study that said those who took a placebo actually lost more weight than those taking the pill.

    “They not only didn’t have studies to support the claim, they actually had a study that went the other way,” she said.

    Some of the products marketed their claims through infomercials or celebrity endorsements. Anna Nicole Smith, for example, has endorsed TrimSpa.

    “Testimonials from individuals are not a substitute for science,” Majoras said. “And that’s what Americans need to understand.”

    © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.The Associated Press contributed to this report


    © 2007

  5. #5
    Moderator mirrodie's Avatar
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    Me like the Robert Downey Jr of cooooooookies!
    I was just persuing what you wrote. thing struck me as odd and I jumped (perhaps, too quickly, I don't know) to type this:

    If you feel your metabolism has changed, have you seen your doctor yet? First thing I would do is rule out any thyroid involvement. Working out is great but make sure you rule that out if you have not yet.
    And I, I took the path less traveled by
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  6. #6
    Senior Member SCOTYDEMCO's Avatar
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    Ok let me jump in here. First off Tommy is right on the money! Spot reduction, once thought to work, does not. It only builds the muscles in that area that may show throught the fat. When your body loses weight it loses it all over, not just in the abs if you are doing sit-ups.

    As for the article, there are millions of things that can happen in your body. You should ALWAYS have a checkup with your primary care physician first before starting any exercise program. If you have a thyroid problem you will go to the doctor with other symptoms before you go there concerned about your metabolism.

    Now as for the exercise. Just like Tommy said start with doing some cardio. Cardio should be done at least 30 minutes 4X per week. Remember your heart is a muscle just like your biceps. You will not be able to do on day one what you can do on day 50. realize that and start at your own comfortable pace to work yourself up progressively more cardio as the weeks pass. Don't become discouraged!!! After a few months of cardio you can even start too think about some weight training or resistance training which has currently been proven to increase your metabolism as well, as it continues to burn after you have stopped.

    For how much cardio you need to do here is a simple formula I use..

    220 - (your age) = maximum heart rate (MHR)
    Your target heart rate (THR) is about 50% - 85% of that. Thats where you want your heart to be during cardio to work your heart and burn calories and fat.

    So if you are 30 years old it would be as follows:

    220 - 30 = 190. 190 is your maximum heart rate (MHR) for 30 years old. That is 190 beats per minute is the maximum with regards to saftey.

    50% of 190 is 95 (beats per minute) and 85% is 162 (beats per minute)

    So to burn fat and work the heart, your heart should be beating between 95 - 162 times per minute during the exercise.

    To figure that out, take your pulse for 15 seconds while working out. multiply that number by 4 and that's how many times your heart is beating per minute during your workout. If tyour 30 it show be between 95 and 162 beats per minute.

    Diet is KEY. Everyones metabolism is different and you may also have to watch more how and what you eat.

    Hope this helps, and sorry for any errors with spelling. I'm at work and have to run.
    Scott Snorteland

  7. #7
    Senior Member RDU-JFK's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the info and posts, guys!!!
    "I can't wait until tomorrow, cause I get better looking everyday"
    --Joe Namath

  8. #8
    Moderator mirrodie's Avatar
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    Me like the Robert Downey Jr of cooooooookies!
    just following up here,..well I think i started at my gym un July and I'm been maintaining my goal of being within 10 pounds of my high school weight, which was 155 lbs.

    Been doing this by using an elliptical trainer, 3 to 4 times a week, for 45 to 60 minutes, depending on my schedule.

    I've been eating better, healthier snacks, etc, but let's face it, I love to eat.

    My problem is I still want to tone up my midsection now. New goal. Thoughts on what to do?

    I haven't been doing ANYTHING else besides cardio, so please advise.
    And I, I took the path less traveled by
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  9. #9
    Administrator PhilDernerJr's Avatar
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    When you say "tone", I assume you mean to both lose some fat that you have there and get some muscular definition in there.

    Most of your efforts will have tobe cardio still. Since it's impossible to "spot reduce? your weight loss, you can only keep working to burn that away with more cardio.

    Considering your current routine, which is good as it is, I would either make sure that you're doing more 60 minutes than 45, and maybe even extend it some, and incorporating a mix of not only eliptical, but maybe some stair master, too.

    Also make sure that your diet is good. Have your carbs earlier in the day and have a steady stream of protein and veggies all day. Small portions and more meals will speed up your metabolism as well.

    Now, if you don't have those two thigns in check, don't waste your time doing what I'm about to. But, once you've got that down, do a lot of crunches, working both the front and the sides. I can't explain it, but next time I see you, I'll give you a little demonstration.

    Ask questions and good luck! Keep us poted.
    Email me anytime at [email protected].


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