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Thread: Another one bites the dust (in musical tones)

  1. #1
    Senior Member hiss srq's Avatar
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    Another one bites the dust (in musical tones)

    NW is at it again. Lets add one more DC-9 to ithe insurance claims list. Another 9 got banged up by rampers under tow yesterday. I would honestly not be suprised if this is a scheme by NWA to get rid of the older planes and make a little cash off of it. It would make alot of sense to me at least. They are hurting for cash so why not kill the planes you were going to retire. Instead of making no money at all of of it you get resale value for it because someone goes "ooops"
    Southwest Airlines-"Once it pop's it's time to stop" Southwest Airlines-"Our Shamu's are almost real" Southwest Airlines -"We blow our top real easy" Southwest Airlines- "You can't top us..... really"

  2. #2
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    It was no scheme, the ramper got injured. I wouldn't call someone getting hurt a plan to get insurance money.

    It was actually being towed out from the hangar, so it wasn't a normal TUG it was a maintenance TUG.
    nwa FOREVER!

  3. #3
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    Ryan that's called insurance fraud and NWA wouldn't be that blantant to have MX workers run the plane into something. The workers would risk jail time and NWA would risk HUGE fines.

  4. #4
    Senior Member hiss srq's Avatar
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    Well it was just an idea and I ama aware that it is called that. I would not put it past NWA management though to be honest.
    Southwest Airlines-"Once it pop's it's time to stop" Southwest Airlines-"Our Shamu's are almost real" Southwest Airlines -"We blow our top real easy" Southwest Airlines- "You can't top us..... really"

  5. #5
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    So are you trying to say NW would injure a worker for money?

    Anyway, I don't think you could do it on purpose if you tried, the Dc-9 went nose up and it smashed a TUG underneath it, right by the rear landing gear.
    nwa FOREVER!

  6. #6
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    By the way, the FAA theory is that the TUG lost traction on some de-ice fluid and the nosewheel accidently slipped out from the tug and the TUG gained traction again (causing a sudden slowdown/stop) and the Dc-9, due to its inerta smashed it.

    Here is a picture of what it would have looked like being towed (low quality because I cropped it out of one of my much larger photos):

    My theory is the same as the FAA, but the reason why I think it went nose high is because it used the TUG as a sort of ramp, as you can see, it would cause it's tail to be tilted back, and causing the TUG to be smashed underneath.
    nwa FOREVER!

  7. #7
    Senior Member hiss srq's Avatar
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    Around here and near there.
    What I am saying is that the recent spur of ground handleing incidents very specific to the DC-9 fleet is a curious oddity. Again my comment is based on sheer speculation of somthing that makes sense to ME.
    Southwest Airlines-"Once it pop's it's time to stop" Southwest Airlines-"Our Shamu's are almost real" Southwest Airlines -"We blow our top real easy" Southwest Airlines- "You can't top us..... really"

  8. #8
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    I think it just has to do with the fact that most of NW's fleet is made up of DC-9's, therefore more incidents will result. They are also extremely old so they might be more prone to break down.
    nwa FOREVER!

  9. #9
    Senior Member cancidas's Avatar
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    traffic two o'clock two miles southbound flight of four C-130s
    in ryan's defense, a lot of things only make sense in his twisted and perverted world. it's just the way he is, probably why we get along so well!
    it is mathematically impossible for either hummingbirds, or helicopters to fly. fortunately, neither are aware of this.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    Moderator Matt Molnar's Avatar
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    Holy ****. How badly was the driver hurt?
    Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We have a small problem.
    All four engines have stopped. We are doing our damnedest to get them under control.
    I trust you are not in too much distress. —Captain Eric Moody, British Airways Flight 9

  12. #12
    Senior Member
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    Not 100% sure, but it wasn't extremely serious.
    nwa FOREVER!


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