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Thread: Chandler Arizona

  1. #1
    Senior Member Derf's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Miller Place N.Y.

    Chandler Arizona

    Here are some shots I took when I was in AZ. These shots show where
    the last of the parts for the DC-4 and DC-6's came from. The
    airport/boneyard is now gone. All the aircraft were chopped up. Parts
    were moved. I really wanted to go back at sunset night to sunrise. I am
    soo upset! anyone need a condo?

    Better question, does anyone know where I can still find an aircraft boneyard with old propliners in the U.S.?

    Aircraft shown on ramp...Note all the old helo's on the bottom?

    shots here
    The three most common expressions in aviation are, "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh Crap".

  2. #2
    Senior Member cancidas's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    traffic two o'clock two miles southbound flight of four C-130s
    man i haven't been to chandler in years. when i was in school there i would take have 4 day weekends at my uncle's house when the were in town. talk about middle of nowhere. i think honeywell had a plant not to far from there, on the north edge of the mountain (forgot the name) south of town.
    it is mathematically impossible for either hummingbirds, or helicopters to fly. fortunately, neither are aware of this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Derf's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Miller Place N.Y.
    Quote Originally Posted by cancidas
    man i haven't been to chandler in years. when i was in school there i would take have 4 day weekends at my uncle's house when the were in town. talk about middle of nowhere. i think honeywell had a plant not to far from there, on the north edge of the mountain (forgot the name) south of town.
    Mesa A.Z.? SouthMoutain is the moutain
    The three most common expressions in aviation are, "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh Crap".

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2005
    Atlanta, GA
    Where is that airport? My brother lives in Chandler, but the only airport I run into over there is the general aviation one.....never seen anything good there. Is this one further east?


  5. #5
    Senior Member Derf's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Miller Place N.Y.
    It is now was far south and just to the east of I-10

    Here are some more shots

    It is really REALLY sad that they chopped up all these aircraft!! I
    SOOOOooooo wanted to go there under a full moon with a box of
    glow sticks!!! Does anyone know where I can find a buch of old
    props in the desert that I could get access too?
    The three most common expressions in aviation are, "Why is it doing that?", "Where are we?" and "Oh Crap".


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