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Thread: WN's boarding Procedure, Test Method.

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Southern Illinois

    WN's boarding Procedure, Test Method.

    Hey folks, today WN started the assigned seat TEST to see if this works, or helps WN's current system.

    Me and another friend who works for SWA thought up a plan that includes assigned seats that keeps the old boarding system AND new one too as well to pelase the assigned seat people.

    1.Go online and book WN, choose your dates, times, departures, flights and whatnot. Pay your ticket.

    2.There will be a little notice stating you to please check in 24hrs in advance to get your boarding pass and also to choose your seat.

    Now, I will get to why we don't choose our seat at the time of booking.

    3. 24hrs in advance of our flight leaving, we go online, check in, and we then get a link to the seat map of the Boeing 737 ( or -300 or -500).

    4. We will have a wide option of seats to choose from (just like we would if we boarded and chose the seat while getting on board).

    5. We choose our seat, print out the boarding pass, we will still be assigned A, B and C cards based on a boarding procedure issued by WN.

    6.the next day, we go to the airport, go check bags or go through security, however the procedure is done at your current airport.

    7. Sit around, and wait for the flight to start boarding. Thats right, I said Sit, not stand in line like most people complain about. Why? Because we already know where we are going to be sitting.

    8. Boarding will be commenced, and A gropu boards first, and those will go to their seat and sit down, B will board next and then C.

    Why this method? WN people will more likely fly southwest due to the usual low fares they are not totally raped of high fares and they are not punished for booking the day before the flight, they like everyone else, has to wait to check in to get their seat. It keeps the old WN method, check in 24hrs in advance, and earlier you check in the better option you have getting a good seat. If you check in late sorry, you will have to get a middle seat or whatever is left of the flight.

    I think this would work remarkebly well, because msot people do want to fly SWA but don't like the not having assigned seats.

    Let me know what you think! and if you are one who doesn't fly WN due to the no assigned seats let me know if this method would get you to fly them.

    Only true question is, will this increase or shorten or keep WN's turn around time, which is of course the whole reason it is being tested.

    Alex Bags Fly Free. Anytime, Anywhere on Southwest Airlines. Share the LUV!

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2006
    That sounds a lot like the way it works with Spirit, which I'll be flying next month. They have a seat map of the A319, which shows which seats people have already picked, and lets you pick the ones you want. Picking seats opens up 90 days before the flight, not 24 hours, but it seems otherwise the same idea.
    Phil Gengler - NYCA's "other Phil"


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