View Full Version : Sick Photos of the World's Tallest Building: Burj Dubai

Matt Molnar
2008-08-19, 12:00 PM
http://gizmodo.com/assets/images/gallery/4/2008/08/medium_2777547075_6bfd360248_o.jpg (http://gizmodo.com/photogallery/amazingburj)
Gallery here: http://gizmodo.com/photogallery/amazingburj

2008-08-20, 12:37 PM
Wow! You can really get a good feel for just how enormous that thing is.

2008-08-20, 12:58 PM
one thing i've always wondered is how do they get the cranes up to the roof and down again? if there's one already installed then the second should be easy, but how do they get the first one up? especially when the building is this damn tall...

2008-08-20, 01:27 PM
Wow! You can really get a good feel for just how enormous that thing is.
That's what she said... :D