View Full Version : Immigration Bill Fails!

2007-06-28, 12:59 PM
THANK THE LORD! The immigration bill is dead! Our Gov't really must think America was stuipid enough to back this sham. From the start this bill was formed with secret committees and backroom deals! We have laws on the books now to control the flow of illegals, perhaps we should enforce those laws before going off and selling this country out to illegals.

2007-06-28, 01:24 PM
I agree but I wouldn't say we are selling out this country Tommy. I mean why do you think we have these sanctuary cities? Because they are huge tourist areas and commerce that couldn't function without migrant labor. True we need a system that controls these people and keeps an eye on them and deports them when they commit crimes but let us remember they are doing jobs we don't want to.

2007-06-28, 01:30 PM
I agree but I wouldn't say we are selling out this country Tommy. I mean why do you think we have these sanctuary cities? Because they are huge tourist areas and commerce that couldn't function without migrant labor. True we need a system that controls these people and keeps an eye on them and deports them when they commit crimes but let us remember they are doing jobs we don't want to.

I am so tired of hearing that statement..."the jobs we don't want." Has this country become so high on itself that we can't perform the jobs our very own kin performed 100 years ago? Christ my very own Grandmother went out and cleaned houses when my Father and Aunt were kids because my Grandfather passed away. Today though that's beneath us? I'm sorry but money is green however you earn it.

2007-06-28, 01:34 PM
Unfortunately I think it is true. Maids in Hotels, farm workers, dishwashers etc are all migrant workers and I don't see americans banging down the doors on these establshments asking for the jobs. Unless we want to start paying people $20 to do these jobs which we know will not happen.

Midnight Mike
2007-06-28, 02:04 PM
Unfortunately I think it is true. Maids in Hotels, farm workers, dishwashers etc are all migrant workers and I don't see americans banging down the doors on these establshments asking for the jobs. Unless we want to start paying people $20 to do these jobs which we know will not happen.

Fine, raise the salaries, that is the way that Economics 101 works. By keeping salaries artifically low is just as dangerous as salaries increasing.

The hiring of illegal immgration has wiped out jobs that Americans used to do such as Plumbers & Construction workers.

Hell, remember that side job you had as a kid, delivering newspapers, Illegals are doing that as well.

People keep talking about the low end that the illegals do, they are also doing jobs on the high end as well.......

2007-06-28, 02:43 PM
People need to stop going to public assistance because they "cannot find" a job. With the work not being done in certain sectors, because we take away the illegal labor, those salaries will need to go up... Yes, the cost will be passed onto the consumer, but so be it.

There are costs to massive illegal immigration as well, we just don't read much about it.

The French have a "guest worker" program. Worked fine for a generation or so, but it isn't working now. Our President doesn't seem to adddess that.. he really shoujld stop igoring history.


Midnight Mike
2007-06-28, 03:08 PM
Here are some the faces that were pushing for the Illegal Immagration bill, remember them
