View Full Version : Talk to Senator Schumer about User Fees

2007-05-29, 10:11 PM
don't know how many of you here are pilots, or how many are AOPA members. as far as i'm concerned, any pilot in the US should be members. here's a way to let mr. schumer know how you feel about user fees. this info is mainly fot NY-based pilots, but if you contact the AOPA they'll help you with getting the addres for your senator.


Important Please write your Senator in the next step to Combat User Fees May 29, 2007




Because you reside in New York you are being sent this special request to contact Senator Charles Schumer a member of the Senate Finance Committee who will soon be voting on the FAA funding legislation.

While the Senate Commerce Committee recently passed S.1300, which places a $25 “surcharge” – a user fee in disguise - the next step in the legislative process is consideration by the Senate Finance Committee. Even though this Committee cannot directly remove the surcharge from the bill, their action is important in AOPA’s strategy to have the user fee removed during consideration of the bill by the full Senate. The Finance Committee is responsible for setting taxes, not fees, and is a critical link in maintaining this country’s almost four-decade system of efficiently collecting aviation taxes. Your Senator must hear from you now because hearings in the Finance Committee will likely be held in mid-June, with a vote prior to the July 4 Congressional recess.

Ř Reject the Commerce Committee idea of a “surcharge” – the start of User Fees to fund aviation.

Ř Continue to fund the system through efficiently collected excise taxes; the fuel tax for general aviation.

Ř Question why there is the suggestion the airlines cease paying their 4.3 cents a gallon fuel tax, the only aviation tax they pay themselves.

Write and fax a letter immediately making the following expanded points and send it on your personal or business stationary. This is the most effective way for you as a constituent to make your opinion known:

· Introduce yourself by describing how you use your pilot certificate.

· Express your strong opposition to the $25 air traffic control modernization surcharge user fee contained in S. 1300 as approved by the Senate Commerce Committee.

· User fees for any segment of the aviation industry must be rejected by Congress and are a first step toward privatizing the air traffic control system and will eliminate air transportation access and price you from flying into many communities across the country.

· Urge their support for continuing using aviation excise taxes to fund modernization of the air traffic control system. This is supported by statements from the Congressional Budget Office, General Accountability Office, and the Department of Transportation Inspector General who have all said the tested and proven system of aviation taxes can provide the needed financing for the aviation improvements.

· The Aviation Trust Fund supported by taxes on aviation users under jurisdiction of the Senate Finance Committee, not new funds under other Committees, is the best way to pay for aviation improvements.

· Conclude by saying that you oppose any attempt to cut the only tax the airlines pay themselves by eliminating their 4.3 cents per gallon fuel tax. If money is truly needed to modernize the aviation system, then why give the airlines another huge tax break?

Please send your letter by facsimile (the fastest and best way to communicate in writing with Congress) and follow-up by mailing it to:

Senator Charles Schumer

U.S. Senate

Senate Hart Office Bldg., Rm. 313

Washington, DC 20510

Fax number 202/228-3027

For more information and the latest on the FAA funding issue, visit AOPA’s special Web page http://www.aopa.org/faafundingdebate/

Thank you for your help — your fellow pilots are counting on your action.

Phil Boyer

AOPA President

P.S. Please be sure to send us a copy of any letter or response you receive from your Senator. You can email it to [email protected] or fax it to 301/695-2372.


AOPA, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, Maryland 21701.

Telephone: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright (c) 2007. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

2007-05-29, 10:13 PM
I got one for my senator, Debbie Stabenow as well.