

The Conspiracy That Isn’t: Debunking Chemtrails

There are several conspiracy theories that involve aviation. The most famous of these involve the aliens of Roswell and the tragic events of September 11th.  However, there is one conspiracy theory that has a measurable amount of believers that is easily refuted with the simple laws of science and statistics. This is, of course, chemtrails.

Those who subscribe to the Chemtrail theory believe that the entire aviation industry, military and civilian, are tasked by the U.S. government to spray artificial clouds high above the ground in our atmosphere with the intent of altering our climate or inoculating the population with inhalable drugs. This theory is based on the visible identification of the common aircraft contrail, and a reliance on the fallacy that it can be identified as something else.

So in a final sweeping motion, what do you say we explain-away this whole chemtrail thing after all, shall we?


The Science & History

When an organic material is burned, it will produce different compounds: soot, smoke, and various oxides.  What is produced will vary depending on the material that was burned and the process in which it was burned.  However there are two things that are generally universal in the burning of organics; water and carbon dioxide.

Generally, neither of these can be seen with the naked eye unless temperatures are cold and the steam condenses into visible water vapor.  This is common from smoke stacks, the tailpipes of automobiles, or even your breath in the winter months.

Contrails stream out of the four Wright 1820 radial engines on these B-17 bombers during World War II.

Not a chemtrail: Contrails stream out of the four Wright 1820 radial engines on these B-17 bombers during World War II.

The gasoline engine creates about one gallon of water for each gallon of gasoline consumed.  When the engine is shut down, the remaining water oxidizes (or rusts) the exhaust and the engine’s cylinders.  This limits the life of the exhaust system and the engine, but is not a major problem and is accepted as part of the normal process and life cycle of the internal combustion engine.

This water, seemingly innocuous, became lethal in the Second World War for the crews of the Boeing B-17 bomber.  The four Wright turbocharged engines in the B-17 allowed it to climb above 30,000 feet.  The humid exhaust of the engines quickly froze in the minus 40 degree air (temperatures become significantly colder at higher altitudes) leaving long white clouds behind the bombers indicating their presence and precise location to the German fighters.  The safety of being at altitude was compromised by these telltale condensation trails, or contrails.

The military worked to find a solution and discovered that certain acidic compounds injected into the exhaust eliminated contrails.  This solution became available after the conclusion of the war and was immediately obsolete with the advent of radar, which allowed airplanes to be “seen” regardless of the time of day or weather.  This idea was later briefly resurrected with the Northrop B-2 stealth bomber, though ultimately not incorporated into the design.

The Commercial Jet Age

Not a chemtrail: A KLM 747-400 leaves four distinct contrails in its wake as it flies over Russia. Image courtesy Sergey Kustov via Wikimedia Commons.

The post-war, high altitude commercial airliners typically operated around 25,000 feet.  Only the low production Boeing 377, though still propeller-driven, could climb above 30,000 feet and was most commonly operated as an intercontinental airliner.  Because of this, contrails were rarely seen in the United States prior to the 1960s.

The year 1958 was a watershed year in commercial aviation.  Boeing introduced the 707 and Douglas the DC-8, while a year later Convair debuted the 880.  The turbojet engines on these airliners thrived in the cold thin air found above 30,000 feet and they were routinely operated in these flight levels.  In the 1960’s, contrails became commonplace across the United States, especially along designated jet airways between ground based navigation aids.  When the temperature is low enough and the humidity high enough, the 1,500 gallons of water produced every hour by these jetliners was transformed into four cirrus clouds.

Not a chemtrail: This Saudia 777 dumps fuel over New York after declaring an emergency. Fuel dumping is sometimes necessary in order to get an aircraft to a safe landing weight. The fuel disperses and evaporates before hitting the ground. Image courtesy Sergio Cardona.

Not a chemtrail: This Saudia 777 dumps fuel over New York after declaring an emergency. Fuel dumping is sometimes necessary in order to get an aircraft to a safe landing weight. The fuel disperses and evaporates before hitting the ground. Image courtesy Sergio Cardona.

When the humidity is very high, the contrails will remain for hours.  In moderate humidity the contrails may last only a few seconds as the ice is absorbed into the atmosphere in a process known as sublimation. If the humidity is very low, the water vapor will immediately be absorbed into the atmosphere leaving the sky clear of contrails.  Although the engines are producing numerous chemical compounds from the combustion of jet fuel, the only one that can be seen at altitude is H20 in a frozen state.

The fuel burned in these engines is Jet-A, similar to kerosene, diesel fuel, and home heating oil, but formulated specifically for aviation use and the extreme environmental conditions that are routine on every flight.  Turbojet engines will generally run on any petroleum fuel including gasoline, but are optimized for Jet-A and derivatives.  The other chemical compounds from the combustion process include CO2, soot, and various other monoxides and dioxides very similar to that of diesel exhaust.  The difference is mostly limited to water exhausted, which as explained, at altitude turns to ice.

Not a chemtrail: this United Express Embraer Regional Jet had just a little too much pressure in its fuel tanks. So it vented out a little bit of fuel to keep everything safe. Photo courtesy JL Johnson.

Not a chemtrail: This United Express Embraer Regional Jet had just a little too much fuel in its wing tanks. As it moved around during takeoff, a little bit escaped through the vents. Photo courtesy JL Johnson.

These man made cirrus clouds reflect sunlight during the daytime and cool the planet.  At night these clouds reflect the escaping heat and limit the drop in overnight temperatures.  During the week after September 11, 2001 when all air traffic was grounded in the United States, there was some very limited data available on the extent of this effect for scientists to analyze.

On rare occasions at low altitude when the humidity is at or near 100%, an aircraft may generate another kind of contrail.  This one is commonly seen on airliners that are landing in poor visibility conditions with high humidity:

The wing generates a low-pressure area above its surface which is a component of the lift that it produces.  Beneath the wing is a higher pressure area which often escapes to the wing’s surface at the wingtips and between the sections of the flaps.  When this occurs, a vortex  is generated, which is also the source of wake turbulence.  The air pressure in these vortices is below that of the surrounding atmosphere, and with a drop in air pressure, there will be a corresponding drop in temperature. If the temperature drops below the dew point, the water will come out of solution, i.e. condense, and will have the appearance of a cloud or fog (via feller at dhead inc).  The dramatic result is a tubular like cloud coming from between the flaps.  It can also occasionally be seen at the wingtips, propeller tips, or blanketing the top of the wing in the low-pressure area.


The Conspiracy Theory

Not a chemtrail: This image was circulated as proof that chemtrails exist, because a “pilot forgot to turn off the chemtrails” before landing. In reality, this is just a somewhat doctored photo of an aircraft landing in high humidity conditions.

Not a chemtrail: This image was circulated as proof that chemtrails exist, because a “pilot forgot to turn off the chemtrails” before landing. In reality, this is just a somewhat doctored photo of an aircraft landing in high humidity conditions.

The chemtrail movement considers contrails not to be by-products of the jet engine (or wing), but deliberate action by the United States government to modify the climate or inoculate the population.  The conspiracy is by the government’s behest, and implemented by the military, the nation’s airlines, the petroleum companies, and the tens (or hundreds) of thousands of employees of each entity.

This movement terms these man-made cirrus clouds “chemtrails”, and claims to be able to identify the difference between them and contrails.  It identifies days that the program is in operation, areas of focus, and proof of additionally installed equipment on aircraft.

The movement is a group of people that wishes to be deceived, and fueled by very small group that enjoys the deception.  Doctored photos of static wicks, pictures of lavatory and galley plumbing presented as chemtrail applicators, and stories from people claiming to be mechanics, pilots, and ramp workers all stoke the fires these people hold true. Some have even created “chemtrail forecasts” based off of actual weather data.

On the left is a map that is purported to be the "chemtrail forecast" for May 30, 2014. a "greater liklihood of chemtrails' is shown in reds and oranges. On the right is the actual GFS forecast for upper level humidity levels, showing higher humidity levels in darker shades of green. Notice the similarities between the two maps. Inage courtesy Meteorologist Jacob Wycoff.

On the left is a map that is purported to be the “chemtrail forecast” for May 30, 2014. a “greater likelihood of chemtrails’ is shown in reds and oranges. On the right is the actual GFS forecast for upper level humidity levels, showing higher humidity levels in darker shades of green. Notice the similarities between the two maps. Image courtesy Meteorologist Jacob Wycoff.

People living in rural areas near ground based navigational aids feel they are being targeted. However, the volume of aircraft overhead, and thus the potential for contrails, is primarily due to their proximity to the aforementioned navigational aids. Others claim to feel immediate effects from these chemtrails six miles above. However in reality, the condensation is quickly being blown clear of the area by winds in the upper atmosphere that typically blow at around 100 miles per hour.

And above all they notice all these minute details, yet fail to see how impossible it is to maintain a conspiracy when hundreds of thousands of people would need to be involved, several airlines, and at least two departments of the United States.  They also ignore the contrails that are found outside the United States.

The deception isn’t by the government and all the bodies involved, but by a distinctly small group of people relishing in the enjoyment of a game, and fueling the world’s largest conspiracy that isn’t.


John Steffen is a former airline pilot and aviation expert and historian currently residing in New York.

Phil Derner founded NYCAviation in 2003. A lifetime aviation enthusiast that grew up across the water from La Guardia Airport, Phil has a background in online advertising and airline experience as a Loadmaster, Operations Controller and Flight Dispatcher. You can reach him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter at @PhilDernerJr.

About the Author

John Steffen and Phil Derner Jr.



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  • Thank you for this! I’ve been fighting the good fight against Chemtrails Conspiracists on social media for a while now. A friend just shared this to me and I passed it on to my friends and followers too.

    The chemtrails people often are into a lot of other crazy conspiracies too, all non-evidence-based, and mostly with somebody deliberately deceiving them to make money (thank you for making that point in your article!) – naturopaths curing cancer purely with diet, anti-vaxxer nuts putting people at risk and abusing their children while doing so. The “usual suspects” dragging us, Humanity, back to the Dark Ages.

    Meanwhile those same folks ignore the political and financial scandals and the huge problems right in front of us all. “Look, shiny chemtrail, forget too-big-to-fail, surveillance, net neutrality, revolving-door corrupt business-politics cronyism”.

    • Dana Keey

      I encourage anyone looking into chemtrails to keep going. Keep digging.
      Chemtrails is the idea, what you’ll uncover is more important. Let the idea serve as an entry point into a larger issue, our climate – but don’t stop there. Don’t let debunking steer you off your course, you know something is wrong, follow that intuition.

      It would serve all of humanity to not belittle concerned humans, insulting them at every pass. This is not our nature, we are here to serve one another – should you all not forget.

      • There are more important things to put time into researching instead of ridiculous theories that have zero evidence to support it.

        • Dana Keey

          Sometimes folks have to find their own way, and that should be honored. You can’t swing a cat on the internet without meeting opposition on any topic.

          As far as ‘ridiculous theories’ and ‘zero evidence’, I would tread carefully with the words.

          Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming –

          • Us writing this article allows for them to do just that…find their way, with what the reality is from experts in the field of aviation.

            You are also confusing the idea of the theory. No one has disputed that there has been research into the matter of trying to alter weather. But the dispute is whether or not the military is actively doing this on a large scale, and that airlines are taking part as well.

          • Dana Keey

            This dialog started at Mark Mercer…

          • Erica Martinen

            they show a case of fuel dumping…as if every plane regularly dumps hundreds of dollars of fuel as standard operating costs. taking infrequent events to explain a frequent event is very weak evidence.

          • That was just an image, and was not even in the primary rebuttal of chemtrails. more importantly, chemtrail believers have used such images to say that it is illegal dumping, which is why it was referenced. No one said “Hey, you know what you’re saying are chemtrails? It’s ALL just fuel dumping,” so your point makes zero sense.

          • Derek Aire

            having to plaster the site coz they keep deleting my comment. hoping this may help you deniers see you’re being lied to

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • David Gray

            Actually, while most aircraft have fuel system ‘vents’ designed to allow vapor, or occasionally, fuel over-fill to escape, only the largest of airliners have the ability to literally dump fuel. As an example, a Boeing 737 or 757 can take-off with a full fuel load, and if necessary, turn around immediately and land. A Boeing 747 or Airbus A 380 cannot do this under the same conditions, because a 747/A380, like all other ‘jumbo’ jets, is too heavy fully fueled to land the aircraft at that weight. In low level emergencies, the plane will simply burn off the fuel in flight, but in dire emergencies, the ‘jumbos’ can jettison fuel as necessary, the smaller airliners cannot.

            You may find this ‘weak’ evidence, but the ‘chemtrail’ phobics have never presented a shred of credible evidence to support their ridiculous conspiracies, the fuel dumping capabilities and scenarios I describe are easily verifiable.

            It is important to remember that ‘hysteria’ is the root of ‘hysterical,’ and that’s funny!!

          • Derek Aire

            how about this then?

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Weather modification and testing should involve the public interest, and we should be involved and told what the results are. The fact that it occurs frequently in each area (yes, lookup total revenue for weather modification permits and divide that by the cost per permit, and you’ll see that it’s multiple times a day!) means that it occurs and we hear little about it.

          • Chris Yurkin

            Weather Modification has been happening for a very long time.

            Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025


          • Per Klaveer

            Its a war killing us slowly every day . Its a plan to create new world order . False wars and terrorism. Just tools to bring us closer to new one governent with everybody microchiped.. Sentral bankers and corporations are running the world behind the closed doors… politics just popets . Weather is just a tool to push world into something new . Everything happening is just new world order rich mans tools .

          • Derek Aire

            hi dude

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • nelson3300

            Aviation is not climatology, nor is it any sort of scientific field. You are not a scientist.

          • Ray George


          • *liars

            And I don’t mean to split hairs like that, but when you make a flurry of comments here, all of them in caps and all with basic spelling mistakes and no information to actually contribute, how is anyone supposed to take you seriously or trust you as a reliable source of anything?

          • Ray George


        • JS353535


        • Derek Aire

          heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

          Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

          For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed? mmmm

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

          Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

          The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


          Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

        • nelson3300

          “zero evidence” is quite the stretch… I seriously don’t know how you can be so condescending with the amount of SCIENTIFIC literature out there in regards to geoengineering. Decades of research have been put in to figure out how to manipulate the weather, you think that all went to waste?

        • Ray George


      • Chem Tard

        From your link:

        “The reasons for the 10-year increase in stratospheric aerosols are not fully understood and are the subject of ongoing research, says coauthor Ryan Neely, with the University of Colorado and the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). Likely suspects are natural sources – smaller volcanic eruptions – and/or human activities, which could have emitted the sulfur-containing gases, such as sulfur dioxide, that react in the atmosphere to form reflective aerosol particles.”

        Please ignore the likely suspects and jump straight to the global conspiracy that has no proof. Way to go!!!

        • Derek Aire


          heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

          Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

          For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

          Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

          The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


          Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

      • Paul Ellis

        We are not “here to serve one another”, that is the moral insanity and criminality of socialism/collectivism and it’s anti-individual, anti mind, anti man rhetoric based purely on self-sacrifice for the “common good”, so go screw yourself if you refuse to use your brain.

    • Scott Imyourrealdad Nagelberg

      You really believe that eating whole, non GMO, organic food doesn’t help with cancer? You need to do research. UNBIASED research. Look up Dr. Joanna Budwig, see if her science is hokey. I am sure you will imagine a flaw in her nethidology. Then again, you probably also believe marijuana is bad the government is our friend and pesticides are safe for human consuption.

      • Rune Stegemoller

        gmos don’t cause cancer, really, where do you get this from? seems needlessly paranoid. and besides, rich people eat gmo foods too

        • Scott Imyourrealdad Nagelberg

          You’re so right, eat pesticides and man made shit all you want. If you actually knew anything, you would note how EVERY country but the US has banned the use of of sale of GMO products.

          • chamel77

            All the food we eat is man-made, GMO, organic or otherwise.

          • stephenkorinis

            GMO != Man made. Man has been eating genetically modified food for hundreds of years. This ear of corn is sweeter. This ear of corn is more yellow. I’ll cross pollinate the two to produce more yellow and sweeter corn. Congratulations, you just made your first GMO. GMO is not green fizzy test tubes growing potatoes.

          • Shamael

            Cross-pollination of two kinds of Corn and crossing a corn with glyphosate resistant genes or insectkiller is different things. Shooting glyphosate resistant genes in a corn does not makes you glyphosate resistant, it just makes you sick, and injecting in a plant an insect killer is also natural for you. But, if it kills the insect, it will kill you too. Try to drink a big glass of insect killer, you’ll see. We can modify all genetically with the nature itself as far as the nature allows it, but never the nature will allow in a natural way to cross a plant with insect killer or deherbant resistant genes. I am not opposed to GMO stuff as long as it stays within what is compatible, and I doubt that plants and chemicals are compatible genetically.

        • Arthur De Clercq

          I advise you to do your research again because you are misinformed.

    • John Harris

      You say … Thank you for this! I’ve been fighting the good fight against Chemtrails

      You are wrong …. you are fighting the bad fight against chemtrails
      Either you are corrupted or frightened…. its one or the other.
      Your insults directed at decent people only illustrate your petty irrelevent ignorance and valueless opinion(s)

    • Derek Aire

      heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

      Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

      For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

      “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

      If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

      I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

      Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

      The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


      Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • nelson3300

      geoengineering is very real. They hold scientific confrences on the subject, for crying out loud. Research has been conducted since well before the 70’s on how to steer storms and change weather, so why is everyone so shocked that maybe, just maybe, they actually figured it out and are implementing the science? How is that gullible? How is it so far fetched to believe that we as humans can manipulate the weather?

      No they arent trying to kill us. The phrase “chemtrails” is a conspiracy catchphrase to steer us away from the real science behind geoengineering. Russia can do it, China can do it, and we can do it. Why is everyone so incredulous?!

      • David DeMaria

        Because if you ever bothered to think about how many people it would take to pull off such a conspiracy you’d come to your senses. Or offer a plausible motive.

        • nelson3300

          I’m not talking about “evil chemtrails” dude, I’m talking basic weather engineering. It’s not some clandestine shit, loads of companies do it.

    • Rob P

      The Good Fight! Just on the wrong side. People need to start calling the phenomena by its true name- Aerosolized Geoengineering- Look up David Keith- a geoengineer with Carnegie Melon- he speaks on this – an undercover reporter questioned his presentation specifically to the health effects on spraying 10-20 Gigatons of Aluminua (an aluminum nano tech) into the atmosphere. Of course they have just begun to study those potential effects. Do some research on this – then decide if you are going to be a disinformation worm.

    • Joe Reylek

      Agree with Mark’s comments except the “anti-vaxxer nuts” part. Read a package insert for ingrediants.

    • Rosalund

      I found pictures of airplanes that spray chemicals and also two different men who were involved in some of this and one who worries about what this is doing to his kids. Also farmers who were seeing their trees and plants die. One day they are healthy and next week they are not. You should look into this before you blow it off.

    • Per Klaveer

      Chemtrails is still going on.. New now is chembombs ! Slimy aeorosol of aluminium and other stuff redusing sunlight etc.. Very bad this still going on .

    • Ray George


      • We did. You just read an article about it. 🙂

        Your research seems to be Google based. Ours is Industry, science and fact based.

    • These man made cirrus clouds reflect sunlight during the daytime and cool the planet. At night these clouds reflect the escaping heat and limit the drop in overnight temperatures. During the week after September 11, 2001 when all air traffic was grounded in the United States, there was some very limited data available on the extent of this effect for scientists to analyze.

  • As with Global Warming there are more theories than facts and it is difficult to convince people of the truth once the public makes up its collective mind about something. Contrails are NOT chemtrails but the problem is someone is always willing to fix a problem that doesn’t exist in order to make money or become famous.

    • That’s correct, contrails are not chemtrails. We see contrails AND chemtrails in the skies. They are not mutually exclusive. Neither one can dominate or own the sky.

      • JS353535

        You are catastrophically uninformed.
        Good luck with your misguided beliefs.

        • Derek Aire

          likewise. you know you’re doing the bidding of the NWO or you just ignorant?

          heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

          Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

          For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

          Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

          The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


          Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

        • Not uninformed. You are though, sadly. The state governments publish their regulations on weather modification, and describe in great detail which chemicals and minerals are used in the permits they publish. Should you choose to forgo review of such evidence, that’s your choice, but it’s the wrong one.

    • MaggieSk8

      Human-caused global warming is real and based on overwhelming scientific evidence. Chemtrails are a myth based on no evidence. Don’t even try to lump the two together.

      The only people making money off of chemtrail conspiracies are the people who sell advertising on their conspiracy blogs or sell ridiculous videos and books on it.

      • Derek Aire

        another lie….

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • Derek Aire

      hi jet aviator. answer this pls.

      heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

      Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

      For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

      “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

      If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

      I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

      Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

      The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


      Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Ron W Ballew

    Just look up, and watch the trails left by jets that spread out and cover the sky, and decide for yourself if these trails are contrails, or chemicals being sprayed in the sky. Notice the X and tick-tack-toe trail patterns are not paths that commercial aircraft would take.

    • Alistair Evans

      Yes, you can really tell what is in the trails just by “looking up”. Fantastic scientific observation by there Ron. The X patterns are flight routes. Pilots don’t just make up their routes, they follow them. Several times a day. Geez.

      • Flight routes. That’s interesting. What normal flight routes require a systematic flyover in grid patterns across the entire region while simultaneously dumping “contrails” all across the sky eventually forming one giant all-day-long cloud?

        • Michael Nieuwenhuizen

          It’s really not that difficult to create a grid of line. Tale a point where two routes cross. This will create an X-shape in the sky. A little later two more planes fly those two routes. Again they create an X. As the winds at 10 km can easily be over 100 km/h the first X will have shifted though. Keep repeating this proces over hours – contrails can last for hours – and you’ll build up a grid. Totally normal.

          And these grids of contrails often get dispersed at some point s and form a sheet of clouds. Open up any book on cloud of the last 60 or 70 years or so, they will all explain this.

        • Mark Pickworth

          What exactly is your field of expertise in?Another conspiracy believing,tin foil hat wearing genius that knows everything.Please enlighten us sheeple,who would rather believe in evidence based facts,rather than bullshit purported to be fact by the Alex Jones’ and David Ickes of the world.,and their followers such as yourself

          • Derek Aire

            my field of expertise is exposing liars who can’t answer a simple question

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Mark Pickworth

            the only pathetic one is’d better not keep skipping your meds.weirdo.

          • Derek Aire

            And yet another reply without answering the perfectly simple question. Let’s see if you can manage that without resorting to childish insults. Come on. Thought I’d better ask the question a lot of times to see if one of you lovely chaps might answer it. So come on, give it a shot. Why have the persistent contrails stopped in the UK?

          • Mark Pickworth

            You started the insults mate.I don’t live in the UK,but im sure the contrails haven”t stopped.unless planes gave stopped flying in and over the not exactly sure what you’re arguement is.

          • Derek Aire

            I’ve apologised for falsely believing they were deleting my comments over a course of a few hours, which led to the insults. That aside I do live in the UK and can tell you I’ve not been noticing massive trails all over the sky every day. That’s my argument. Pretty simple question, and I find it interesting you guys are doing your best not to ateast try and answer it.

          • Mark Pickworth

            you must spend a lot of time looking at the sky.I can’t comment on the UK like I said.if you say they’re not there.that’s your right to say that.also like I said.if you have have contrails.whether u see them or not.planes burn fuel .hey presto.contrail.

          • Mark Pickworth

            By the way. You haven’t exposed shit. Only that you a deluded,paranoid fool.”They’re deleting my posts,they’re deleting my posts” you sound like a fucking parrot.

          • Derek Aire

            You’re the parrot moron. Mentally challenged blah blah blah. I know you’re dumb but I already explained and apologised that I mistakenly believed they were deleting comments. Now like I say, if you don’t wanna debate the issue like an adult then why not just fuck off? You’re nothing but a prick!

          • Mark Pickworth

            Why? I’m free to post here. You are amusing me . I think I’ll stick around.Great value.

          • Derek Aire

            Of course you’re free to post here but to be honest you’re starting to bore me now. At the end of the day, we agree that geo engineering is real. I guess the only thing we disagree on is whether or not the program has ready started. At least intelligent chaps like Ross Marsden can engage in a constructive adult manner. If all you’re capable of is posting juvenile comments telling me I’m deranged feel free to keep posting and make yourself look more stupid by the comment. You never know I may eventually get a laugh if you ever have anything clever to say…

          • Mark Pickworth

            If you ignore me,I might go away.

          • Derek Aire

            To be honest I don’t care whether or not you go away. You’re of NO importance to me and at the moment I have zero respect for your views. I’d just like to see you have something interesting to say coz I’m almost starting to feel sorry for you. How about trying to at least discuss the issue at hand if you persist on wasting my time? You agree geo engineering is real, are you really dumb enough to believe that the governments and the elite who control them haven’t already started it? Do you generally trust everything they tell you? Come on, I know you can do better than this or are you happy for me to continue tearing you a new asshole with every comment? Lol. You’re looking dumber by the minute.

          • Mark Pickworth

            Same goes big nose.

          • JS353535

            Double Bingo.

            And this Derek Aire chemtard needs a plane to spray his house with a fucking clue.

        • JS353535

          ALL of them. Go to and take a look at Atlanta or Denver or Albuquerque…they are all waypoints for every major east/west flight path of every airline in the country. There are more “X’s” than you can count on any given day. Get a clue dude.

          • Derek Aire

            this gives me something to do while I wait for them to delete it

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

        • Derek Aire

          this site is run by liars who can’t answer a simple question

          heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

          Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

          For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

          Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

          The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


          Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

      • doodahman

        Dude, you can’t even figure out what’s going on right in front of your nose. Every theory starts with observation, dingus.

        • Belfrey

          So, what observation allows one to distinguish a “chemtrail” from an ordinary persistent contrail?

          • Derek Aire

            answer this

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Belfrey

            Interesting – over the past few years, I’ve interacted with numerous believers in the “chemtrails” idea who live in the UK, and who insist that the trails are seen there constantly to this day. Look up the FB page for “Chemtrails Project UK,” or many other British groups, members of which continually post lots of pictures of trails in the sky over the UK.

            So, in terms of “why have they stopped” – they haven’t. You seem to be the only one who thinks so. “Why they occur” is equally easy – they happen when an airplane that is traveling through air that is very cold and with high relative humidity, making it “supersaturated with respect to ice.” The added moisture from the exhaust sparks the formation of cirrus (ice) clouds.

          • Derek Aire

            Hi Bentley. I know why contrails occur. I don’t believe every trail is a chemtrails as some others do. I still see contrails fairly often. What I don’t see is trails at the levels I used to a few years ago. I used to film the worst examples of them as I was really interested in the subject back then, got really busy with work, spending lots of time indoors so didn’t see them for a while then realised where I live, in Scotland, had definitely had less persistent chemtrails activity. Can’t speak for the other groups, maybe there’s still activity in there parts of the UK or maybe they got found out about it and mistakenly believe all trails are chemtrails, I dunno, you’d have to ask them. As for me being the only person to have noticed it, I’m afraid not, everyone I’ve asked who knew anything about it, not only in my local area but as far afield as Australia has agreed there’s less chemtrails activity than there used to be. Don’t even know how you debunkers can even keep argueing about this. There is so much evidence of geo engineering that it’s astonishing you guys still deny it. Guess you all have a vested I interrst coz you don’t wanna admit you been wrong all these years.

          • Belfrey

            Well, that brings it back to my original question above – If you don’t believe every trail is a “chemtrail,” then how do you decide which is which?

          • Derek Aire

            Every trail isn’t a chemtrail. Only those who’ve just started looking into it believe so. The way I differentiate is if the skies are completely covered in areas where I don’t usually see them, going for horizon to horizon, I’m suspicious. Contrails coming from jets over normal flight paths which go away after a while seem to me to be normal contrails. I don’t see the entire sky covered in my area, whereas a few years ago the entire sky was covered in them, at all these days, hence why I think something has changed. I don’t have a plane to go up and sample the trails so would be hard to tell the difference otherwise. Out of interest… Do you debunkers deny the existence of geo engineering? It’s been very well established that it’s a real thing. Chemtrails are how this program is conducted and I find it pretty farcical that you guys continue to deny to deny the obvious.

          • Belfrey

            Geoengineering is something that is being proposed and discussed for the future, but there is no evidence of a current program. If you think that there is such evidence, I’d be interested to hear what it is.

          • There absolutely is evidence. Search for “weather modification permit” and you will see every state and county has a program. They also publish total revenue from permits and using that you can figure out how many per day are permitted.

          • Belfrey

            Yes, weather modification (cloud seeding) exists. But that’s not geoengineering. Geoengineering is “the deliberate and large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climatic system with the aim of reducing global warming.” Cloud seeding’s influence is small scale, with the aim of inducing or enhancing precipitation.

          • I love how you dismiss “weather modification” as if it’s OK and harmless to inject chemicals of all kinds into the air in the effort to “cloud seed” (as if that terminology is somehow is less harmful and less devious). It is supporting of the “chemtrail” notion in that it is intentional ejection of chemicals and minerals in order to create rain clouds. Those are chemtrails by definition, do you not see that?

            And this is occurring in every state, not just 11. Do further searching on Google. Each state’s program surfaces on official government websites.

          • Belfrey

            I didn’t dismiss weather modification or call it harmless. But it doesn’t cause those trails across the sky that are being called “chemtrails” by some. Cloud seeding is done into existing storm clouds at relatively low altitudes; it doesn’t create clouds. And it certainly is not “geoengineering.”

            And I’m sorry, but you’re simply wrong. It’s not done in most states. I challenge you to find a single state East of the Mississippi River with a documented, current cloud seeding program.

          • Maybe not ALL of the state, but MOST of them do. 33 states have active weather modification regulation.


          • Belfrey

            Having regulations regarding weather modification does not mean that they have active programs. For example, Florida has regulations about weather modification, but I called and asked about it in the relevant office of the FL-DEP, and was told that no one had applied for a permit in the decades since that regulation was put into effect. It’s just not done here.

            Currently, 11 states have recent or active programs, all of them west of the Mississippi River.

          • Belfrey

            Also, it’s not really as widespread as you say. In the US, there are 11 states that have current cloud seeding programs, and they’re all west of the Mississippi River.

          • Adam

            How do you explain lingering ‘contrails’ on a summers day at low altitude? By your theory they would dissipate quicker no? Ice melts in heat right? Or is there a miracle chemical reaction that supports your debunking theory we don’t know about? If you have an answer I will genuinely listen.

          • Belfrey

            Do you have any evidence of contrails that persist at low altitude in the summer? It’s nearly impossible to determine the altitude of a contrail “by eye,” so how are you deciding that their altitude is low?

          • Adam

            Nothing scientific. But what puzzles is observing two planes in the sky, the higher altitude plane (altitude determined by eye through size difference) leaves a quickly dissipating contrail and then a lower altitude plane leaves a lingering contrail that will persist for many hours and eventually be blown by the wind into a foggy carpet across the sky.

            I have observed craft flying though the sky with no contrail and then suddenly see a plume begin where it seems like it has been ‘switched on’. Thousands of people are reporting on such things.

            What is clear is that independent scientific research should be conducted. I think there are enough loose ends to not trust the mainstream scientific explanation. In my opinion of course.

          • Belfrey

            The difference in plane altitude is also nearly impossible to reliably tell by eye from their apparent size, because jet airplanes vary in size quite a bit. But it’s also possible for a higher-altitude plane to be traveling through a layer with different conditions – lower humidity, for example – that prevent contrail formation or persistence. These conditions are not vertically uniform – that’s why you have cirrus clouds naturally form at certain altitudes, and not above and below.

            The atmospheric conditions are also not horizontally uniform. That’s why you naturally get clouds forming in some parts of the sky, and not others. As the plane travels in and out of patches of ice-supersaturated air, the contrail will “turn on and off.”

            Is there any scientific evidence that would convince you that they are just contrails? What sort of evidence would you accept?

          • Adam

            I accept the principle of what you’re saying, and I will bear that in mind when looking to the skies, bearing in mind humidity levels and temperatures. I must confess I was more into this subject years ago and although I see the lingering ‘contrails’ pretty much daily I try not to pay them any mind. And yes that’s because I’ve believed there is something not right about them.

            Can science explain why you can see the start of a lingering contrail? I’ve seen them many times and I’ve also seen a plane flying overhead with producing no contrails at all and then suddenly you see a plume start coming out the back. Is this just hitting a different temperature of air suddenly?

            The kind of evidence I’d like to see is these chemtrail guys getting up there, hiring a plane or even a drone might work, and collecting some samples from these lingering trails. Let’s prove this definitively once and for all.

          • Belfrey

            Basically, yes – there are temperature and humidity thresholds that are required for contrails to form at all, and another set of them required for contrails to persist. Just like natural clouds often have well-defined edges, planes can rapidly enter and leave regions of the sky that either do or don’t have the right conditions for their exhaust to create artificially-generated clouds. This has been a research topic going back at least to the 1950s.

            I could point you to published scientific studies that sampled directly from persistent contrails, but I gather that you’d only accept that information if it came from a chemtrails activist. In the absence of such studies from them (which I doubt will be forthcoming, although it would be possible), will you just assume that the “chemtrails” idea is true?

          • Adam

            I’m not 100% certain of anything. These criss cross patterns have struck me as strange and something I don’t remember being in the sky as a younger man. But then I accept that memory is fallible. If i have been wrong in my conclusions then I will admit to it, but there is still something that bugs me about this. But despite that I will look with a more open mind to the information learnt here.

            I would like to read that information on persistent contrails. I would keep an open mind to the information. I think what I wish for are ‘civilian’ experiments rather than chemtrail activists. The fact of conspiracy is the people committing one will never admit to it so the more independent the research the better.

            Have you ever watched the documentary ‘what in the world are they spraying?’ I believe in that documentary they took a sample from a lake on the land of a couple who used to have clear skies and then suddenly started to get grids all the time from these jets leaving the lingering trails. The sample had very high levels of aluminium and other metals. It just seems a strange ‘coincidence’ that that is the exact method proposed by geo-engineers to reflect the suns light to cool the planet. I know some people will say the coincidence is because it is fake but how can we know what is or not?

          • Belfrey

            It sounds like you have a healthy, open-minded, and reasonable attitude about it.

            I have seen that documentary. The funny thing about that sample from the pond, the one that found 375,000 ppb of aluminum: the lab report says that the sample was “sludge,” i.e. a mixture of dirt and water, from the bottom of the pond. Many people don’t realize that dirt is naturally high in aluminum – the element naturally makes up about 7% (7 million ppb) of soil, on average. The amount of those elements basically indicated how much dirt was in that sample of pond sludge.

            For an early paper on contrail formation, see the 1951 report from Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory to the Office of Naval Research, “Prediction of Aircraft Condensation Trails: Project Contrails”. “Contrails of ice particles, the more common situation, will persist for hours if environmental conditions exceed ice supersaturation, i.e., exceed ambient relative humidities of approximately 60 to 70%.”

            See also Knollenberg, RG. 1972. “Measurements of the growth of the ice budget in a persisting contrail”, stating: “If sufficient air carrier traffic exists, an entire overcast of contrail cirrus may develop and persist for hours with rapid growth in the ice budget of individual contrails.”

            There are of course many recent papers, as you can see if you do a Google Scholar search for “persistent contrails”. For example Haywood et al. (2009), “A case study of the radiative forcing of persistent contrails evolving into contrail-induced cirrus”, which states: “Under certain atmospheric conditions (supersaturated with respect to ice), contrails can persist for several hours. If the atmospheric conditions are favorable for ice crystal growth these persistent contrails may grow and spread out to form contrail-induced cirrus clouds.”

            For direct sampling from contrails, check out Petzold et al. (1998), “Elemental composition and morphology of ice-crystal residual particles in cirrus clouds and contrails” in the journal Atmospheric Research. Sampled from contrail cirrus – other than ice, they found particles consisting of carbon, oxygen, and sulfur, also Cr, Fe, and Ni in proportions consistent with stainless steel (from engine wear).

          • Adam

            Thanks for the information, I’ll have a dig into all the links.

            You’ve certainly got me thinking about this lingering ‘contrails’ in another light and I think I will keep examining both perspectives without a definitive mindset.


          • The air at the altitude may not be moving much, with more or less winds. No wind would keep it sitting there for a while.

            I’m not sure I understand why people think only manmade clouds would be able to be still.

        • Andrew

          Yeah, big bang is theory, but nobody saw it.

        • chamel77

          To be a theory there has to be supporting, empirical evidence, otherwise it isn’t a theory, it’s just belief.

      • Derek Aire

        hello there

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • Paul M

      Over on Facebook you posted the same thing and got smacked down. Did you think you’d escape polite criticism here?

      Again: it’s nigh on impossible to assess the height of contrails. The criss-crossing is very, very, very normal. Commercial jets fly pre-set paths, separated along 3 axes.

      We’ve been over this, but you ignore common-sense responses. Why?

      Go on, call me a shill…

      • Shill.

        • Paul M


          Wny? Because I disagree with you? Yaaaaawn. If you got nothing, shout “shill!” and pat yourself on the back.

          Keep up the good work, champ.

      • JS353535

        Oh, Paul M…. how I wish there were more of you out there. You’re attempting to beat a dead horse whilst arguing with it! Unfortunately, you’ll get nowhere. These quacks believe what they want to believe–in the face of logic, reason and science–and they will continue to do so, no matter how much FACT you present them with. We’re both pissing into the wind here. I wonder if my urine stream will result in a “chemtrail”??

      • Derek Aire

        ok shill, answer this – heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

        • Paul M

          “For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post”

          Wait. Why would us legion of shills delete your comments?

          In answer to your hypothesised question:

          – chemtrails are not a natural occurrence*

          – they haven’t stopped because they didn’t start

          – as for seeing more and more:

          “Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.”

          I don’t think you get to tell anybody to close their site down because you don’t get what you believe to be a satisfactory answer 🙂

          * if you think about it, a contrail is a chemtrail. Mostly H20, but still chemicals

          • Derek Aire

            Ok I mistakenly believed the site kept deleting my comments. An honest mistake but the question remains unanswered.

            I want the page taken down because you guys are lying to people and I’m pretty sure you know that. You guys are doing a disservice to your fellow humans.

            And I’m not here to argue about whether they are called contrails, chemtrails or persistent contrails. The fact is I used to see them on a daily basis covering the entire sky, now I dont. In the US they’re still doing it so maybe you guys don’t notice the difference but it’s a fact that they’re not covering the skies here ever. We get natural, when I say natural I mean normal jet contrails coming from planes, not the weird enormous lines going from horizon to horizon and hanging there for hours spreading out to cover the sky.

            So go on, what’s your explanation for this reasonable observation? Please answer without wriggling out of it. Not one of you guys have tried to answer the question though you’re doing your best not to answer it. Good effort chaps, now stop messing around and answer me please.

          • Paul M

            I didn’t try and wriggle out of anything. I gave you an an honest answer.

            There’s MORE trails in the sky these days for two reasons:

            1. Way more commercial traffic than say, 20 years ago

            2. Modern turbofans are more efficient so less crap, and more water in the trails

            These “weird enormous lines” are just contrails mate.

            Now stop messing around and accept you’ve had an answer 🙂

          • Derek Aire

            You’re missing the point. Completely. I know why contrails are formed. I understand your logic that there is more air traffic in the skies than I was a child which accounts for the period of time in the UK when there were more of them. Problem is, in the UK they are a very rare occupancy now as they should be. So why is this? Has air traffic in the UK reverted back to the levels of 3″ years ago? Of course not. So how do you account for the fact that I rarely see these massive persistent contrails any more in the UK? Look forward to reading your wriggle free response.

          • Paul M

            Why would I “wriggle”? I’m not hiding anything.

            As for your comments about the UK sky; who told you this? On clear days there’s plenty of contrails. If you’re claiming there’s less contrails over the UK now than say, a few years ago, you need to cite some reputable evidence.

            I live in the UK, and I cannot say I’ve witnessed an increase or decline over the last three years. And I “Look up!” on a daily basis as I walk to/from work 🙂

          • Derek Aire

            No one told me this. This is someone I, and lots of people I know have been noticing over the past few years. I been watching the skies since I was a kid and was unhappy when the geoengineering project was in full swing here, I used to document the worst examples on camera and told everyone about what I thought was happening. Then like I say, over the last few years I can see with my own eyes that the skies are blue again, yeah even in Scotland when it’s not covered in grey cloud. Dunno what sort of reputable evidence you’d like me to show you other than my own observations but I can see I’m getting nowhere with you deniers.

          • Paul M

            “you deniers”


            I think you mean “skeptical people who require evidence and haven’t witnessed what you claim”.

            But sure, label me if it helps you dismiss me xx

          • Derek Aire

            Pretty funny paul. It’s usually you guys who usually label us as a bunch of nutters. We’re as skeptical as you. Just skeptical of this and many other official stories. Suppose we could both be called deniers, we just have a different point of view.

          • Paul M

            Nah, “deniers” is too negative. Having different opinions makes life better 🙂 I see no evidence for a big chemtrail conspiracy but I’m open to new evidence. So yeah we’re skeptics to the core – that’s no bad thing

          • Without any form of measurement of how many contrails there “were” versus how many there are “now,” how can anyone offer an explanation based on your personal perception? It’s not even possible.

          • Derek Aire

            I know you’re gonna find it difficult to answer it. Yeah there haven’t been studies counting the trails but I and everyone I know have eyes and a memory so we know they’ve become a lot more rare. So you able to actually answer me or would you prefer to keep stonewalling and hoping I just go away?

          • You’re not giving me anything tangible to explain. Just your opinion/perception.

          • Derek Aire

            You mean my observation and the observation of everyone, debunkers aside, who’ve also noticed the same decrease in the amount of these trails in the UK.

          • Paul M

            p.s. InfoWars, NaturalNews, and Mercola; they’re lying to people. Answers in Genesis and Creation International are lying to people Holocaust denial sites… AIDS denial…. Climate change denial. 9/11 conspiracy sites. Obama Is A Communist Muslim From Kenya…

            All/most of the above are utter BS. But you can’t demand they be taken down because you personally don’t believe them.

          • Derek Aire

            I’m not talking about those other issues for now. I’ve come to you guys to get the answer to a reasonable question, so how about addressing the question?

          • Paul M

            I HAVE addressed the question, twice.

          • Gordon Bennett

            You really believe the official story of 9/11 don’t you? Because no way would your government, CNN and the BBC lie to you.

    • Stephen Davenport

      Quite right. I’ve looked up and decided for myself what they are. Because that’s how science works, right? And I’ve decided that they are trails of pixie dust, angels’ tears and powdered unicorn horn, designed to spread tranquillity and love across all mankind. Doesn’t seem to be working, though.

      • Why… you must be a Republican. They believe in angels and don’t believe in science!

        • JS353535

          Wow, you just won’t let go of your completely misguided beliefs? Impressive. I hope you’re a lobbyist for some great organization and put the same amount of blind effort into…..oh, I don’t know….maybe stopping Monsanto from prosecuting farmers? Your efforts would be duly rewarded there. Instead you’re blindly believing in something that has absolutely zero basis for existence. Wow.

        • Derek Aire

          I don’t believe in liars

          heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

          Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

          For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

          Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

          The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


          Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • Andrew Poure

      You’ve never seen a high-altitude IFR chart, have you? There are things called jet airways and VORs, among other navigational aids, that create criss-crossing “highways in the sky”. The National Airspace System is a carefully crafted set of intertwined routes, and when you have thousands of planes flying in it, tick-tack-toe-like trails are bound to appear.

      • Derek Aire

        you’ve never seen someone answer a simple question have you?

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • Betsy Ross

      My father was a pilot, for the military, and I am VERY OLD…and I can tell you back in the 1960’s the planes taking off from the base every 15 minutes in the winter made these trails- they are not chemicals or I would be dead by now as I was standing under them day after day after day.

      • Yes, and they disappeared within 30 minutes (but likely much more quickly).

        You are dismissing the trails that last all day long.

        If you look at the science of contrails, the ice crystals will dissipate within minutes… not hours… not all day.

        • Belfrey

          Actually, scientific sources regarding contrails say that they CAN persist for hours in the right conditions. Can you find any scientific source which says that they always dissipate within minutes?

          • David DeMaria

            Why argue facts and evidence with stupid people? They are stupid for a reason.

      • Derek Aire


        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

      • Gordon Bennett

        Did they last all day?

    • Joe Brown

      You could not be more incorrect. Commercial routes and airways cross all the time. Especially over VORs and other radio navigational aids. But you wouldn’t know what those are because the extent of your research is “looking at the trails.”

      • Derek Aire

        lies lies lies

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Kim Twister

    OK THE PEOPLE WHO CONVINCE ME AND BRAINWASH ME into believeing all this shit get a life

  • Connie Chastain

    You lost me at the second paragraph. I believe there is something to the chemtrail issue, but I DON’T believe that the entire aviation industry, military and civilian, are tasked by the U.S. government to spray artificial clouds… Way to create a straw man…

    • that is what the conspiracy is. People who know about airplanes can look up and identify the aircraft performing the flying, and when those contrails are being made, it is mostly by airliners, so that is what the accusation is, which we are debunking.

      There are not enough military aircraft to create as many contrails as the theorists say exist.

      • Dana Keey

        What would it look like if they were doing it?

        • It would look like some of the MANY people involved speaking up, and providing actual evidence, as opposed to just seeing lines in the sky and being psychotically paranoid.

          • Dana Keey

            Again, you insult the population. This website is starting to lose its luster. Please, for the kinds folks making their way, what would alumina, or aluminum oxide look like if it were being sprayed in the stratosphere?

          • I’m not insulting anyone. I honestly believe that those that believe in something that does not exist, that there is zero evidence of, should seek professional help for an extreme case of paranoia. -Phil D.

          • Dana Keey

            You’ll have to tell us all about the EPA’s report then. Care to? You indicate that ‘..those who believe in something that does not exist, that there is zero evidence of…’, yet researchers continue to find such evidence that seem to, including here in this dialog, be ignored.


          • Dana Keey

            Also, while a great number has been misled into thinking contrails are ‘chemtrails’ – you’d rather insult the population, insinuating that they have some psychological disorder stemming from their concerns… tisk. You should educate them and refrain from such accusations, but that is just kind advice.

          • I did educate them….that’s what the article is. Then people started refuting that (like you) as if we are lying, while your level of expertise is zero, and I’ve been in aviation for a decade. -Phil D.

          • Dana Keey

            I think you are mistaken and you’re thinking of someone else. I’ll help you, again. “…a great number has been misled into thinking contrails are ‘chemtrails’…” – Dana

            Again, this dialog started at “What would it look like…”

            I’ve yet to comment on your article directly. Your experience and expertise in aviation is akin to saying, I’m a doctor, here take this pill… The greater population drives motor vehicles, it doesn’t make them experts in combustion engines…

          • No, this dialogue started about chemtrails, and you are hijacking and distracting from that by talking about something totally unrelated and baseless.

            And for your Doctor example….that’s exactly what a Doctor is supposed to do.

          • Derek Aire

            bored yet>?

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Derek Aire

            answer this then?

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Stop linking to natural news. I won’t waste my time with it. Use legit sources.

            I rebutted the EPA link in another comment.

          • Agreed. There is a lot of government documentation about geoengineering. There are publicly available forms and documents for applying and paying for geoengineering testing and application.

          • That’s funny. That’s what the Republicans say about global warming. I suppose you think that’s a fraud too.

          • Michael Nieuwenhuizen

            You wouldn’t see them. About the only thing you could possible see for a plane flying that high is water crystals, which is what contrails are.

      • Derek Aire

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol


      • Adam

        Not in my area. Mostly airliners here have dissipating con trails. It seems to be very fast moving single seated aircraft the leaves the trails that last all day. Often there will be two in the sky at once working on their X. You can also sometimes see where they ‘turn it on/off’. ie the start or end of a chem trail. I’ve observed all these things. But respect your right to disagree.

    • Ross Marsden

      So, why don’t you give us a concise description of the so called chemtrail operation and its purpose? Thanks.

      • Dana Keey

        Again, if you could please, what would it look like if they were distributing these particles in the stratosphere?

        • What particles? Different particles might look different. And there’d be evidence of that.

          • Dana Keey
          • I don’t see the point in what you are linking to. Yes, aircraft exhaust is a pollutant. And?

            It goes back to the accusation of intent of the military and commercial airlines to spread a specific chemical. There’s zero evidence of that happening, and science explains the rest of it away.

          • Dana Keey

            The military is but a tool, so are commercial airlines, and it’s a cop-out. The ‘military’ does what it’s told do, and so do commercial airplanes – they fly.

            And what they are flying with is excessive pollutants from fuel, which some deemed as ‘chemtrails’. If you want to call these concerned folks paranoid, maybe you should look at the emissions reports by the EPA. At least they are pointing in the right direction, albeit for misguided observations, what they are in-fact pointing at has merit.

            The lot of you have gotten away from obvious points.

            ‘Intent’ of the military, please…’intent’ of commercial airplanes.. please.


          • What do you mean they are a “tool”. The military cannot keep a secret once more than 3 people know, but you are saying that the hundreds of thousands of military personnel and airline employees (which would include myself) are in on it and have been the first people in history to keep such a large secret for so long?

            Again….what’s the actual EVIDENCE? Where are the photos of spraying equipment, people who put it on the planes, load them up and more?

          • Dana Keey

            “…but you are saying that the hundreds of thousands of military personnel…” – I’ll just cut you off there assure you that was not what was said. I’m uncertain you are understanding me correctly – you seem to exhibit that tendency quite often, maybe I am being confusing.

            1. “the military is a tool” : no attention should be brought specifically to the military for blame of exhaust emissions or what is contained in jet fuel.

            2. “airline employees” – you : no attention should be brought specifically to ‘airline employees’ for blame of exhaust emissions or what is contained in jet fuel.

            3. I’ve never once claimed that spraying equipment is being used. You run on wild tangents and aren’t reading the dialog. Again, this dialog started at “What would it look like if they were…” I’ve yet to make comments on your article directly. If you’ve noticed, I’ve not subscribed to the same wild claims, as I’ve sub-comment indicated above that what folks should be looking at and what they’ve been misled into believing are two different things. I’ve also encourage folks to look beyond the obvious – normal condensation trails, looking deeper into real issues, i.e the sub-comment on Mark Mercer.

            I need not provide any “EVIDENCE” as I am not claiming what you are defending. I am leading people to real issues, which you have evidently understood, so I thought – stratospheric aerosols. Why? Because there isn’t an explanation, per the NOAA, as to why the increase in the past decade has occurred.

            I’ve not commented directly to your post, you need not defend your contrail science – it’s relative to conditions.

          • If you are not here to talk about chemtrails and contrails then you are off topic and all of your comments will be deleted.

          • Dana Keey

            This has everything to do with chem-trails and contrails. The chemicals, pollutants, materials (which most view as synonymous) being emitted by airplane exhaust is in fact an occurrence. I just got through posting here that the EPA reported high volumes of lead being dumped by airplane exhaust.

          • MaggieSk8

            Naturalnews is a pseudoscience site.

          • Derek Aire

            so is this bro

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Derek Aire

            20 times deleting the same question, be easier to just try and answer it. come on you can lie, some are dumb and arrogant enough to believe you.

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Dana Keey

            Careful what you define as ‘chemtrails’. You insult the population, yet it is well known what is emitted from engine exhaust.

            “… sulfide gases such as sulfuric acid,[3] hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2)”


          • Dana Keey

            See here.. apparently images aren’t showing..

        • Ross Marsden

          I don’t know what it would look like if they were distributing these particles in the stratosphere. A bit like what the sky looks like after a big volcanic eruption, I suppose.

      • Derek Aire

        give a consise description as to why you guys won’t answer my question then bro?

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

        • Ross Marsden

          Derek Aire asks:

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          Your question doesn’t make sense. Chemtrails are not natural; they are not even a thing. If you are asking about condensation trails, they will form if the temperature is sufficiently low and the Relative Humidity is sufficiently high. It’s about the weather. There is nothing wrong with the laws of physics.

          I hope this reply is acceptable to you.

          • Derek Aire

            of course your pathetic attempt at answering isn’t acceptable. OK, contrails as you call them are supposed to be a natural occurrence, play semantics all you want, you guys are good at that. You know I have a point or else why would the liars that run this site spend 4 hours deleting my 28 comments rather than just answering the question. Good try bro.

          • Ross Marsden

            All your comments, containing your deep and incisive question, are still here.
            I didn’t suggest contrails are “natural”. They are man made, and they are the expected consequence of modern air transport, because, as you imply, the laws of physics have not changed.

          • Derek Aire

            They keep deleting the top comment. Guess they hadn’t spotted they rest of them. Lol. And you’re still trying to twist my words instead of answering the question. Obviously they aren’t naturally caused they are caused by planes. You bloody know what I mean. Stop trying to wriggle out of the question, when I say natural I mean they’re normal and caused by planes. That’s normal contrails I’m talking about. The chemtrails that used to vandalise the skies of the UK aren’t matural. So instead of weazelinb out of it, how about trying to answer my question? You know what the question is…

          • Ross Marsden

            OK, then. When you are looking at a trail in the sky, how do you tell if it’s a contrail or a chemtrail? What is the difference between them.

          • Derek Aire

            Sorry ross I’m not gonna play your game. I’m asking the question. I’ve only posted it 30 times. Once you answers I’ll be happy to answer whatever stupid questions you have. You know the question, don’t try and derail me. Good try. 3 replies and you still can’t answer a simple question. You can do better than that ross, I know you can.

          • Ross Marsden

            Well, Derek, if you don’t define your terms then your question is impossible to answer. Innit.

          • Derek Aire

            Come on Ross, its a simple question. I shouldn’t have to repeat it. I know you’re not that stupid and know you know what I mean. How come the guys running the site keep deleting the question from the top? Ok, Ill play ball. Explain why contrail / chemtrail activity has gone from an everyday occurrence in the UK to going back to the fairly rare occurrence we see now in the UK? Has air traffic drastically decreased? no of course not. Sp explain why skies that used to be covered in massive trails now aren’t covered? You know what Im asking and your stalling is even more tedious than the cowards who are deleting the top comment. Wonder why they so insistent on deleting it. Funny they haven’t spotted Ive put it all over the rest the rest of the site.

          • Ross Marsden

            Here is how I answered your question: “[Condensation trails] will form if the temperature is sufficiently low and the Relative Humidity is sufficiently high. It’s about the
            The corollary is that if there are no trails in the sky, then the temperature at cruise altitude is not low enough, or the RH is not high enough.

            I hope now this is acceptable to you.

          • Derek Aire

            Not in the slightest Ross. But it’s 8am and I’m going to bed. We’ll continue this tomorrow. Have a good night.

          • Derek Aire

            Ross, I already know how contrails are formed. I learned a lot from you guys on this last time I debated with you on contrail science. You still not addressing why we don’t have persistent contrails shall we call them, in the UK any more. Up till a couple of years ago, now they never happen here. So how do you explain this? Sorry for appearing like a broken record but if just one of you managed to answer me just once to my satisfaction I could get on other stuff. So come on, do explain why they’ve stopped here.

          • Yoy need to first show something thst actually indicstes there are less. How would we know what variables you have in your perception? Maybe you no longer uave a car with a sunroof, or maybe you have been lookijg up in dryer winter times versus humid summer months. It’s like asking us ti guess the denominations of money in your pocket. We can’t explain YOUR assumption of fact.

          • Ross Marsden

            Here is a UK web site monitoring the trails. It was last updated in October 2014.
            Keep an eye on it for updates.
            There are seasonal effects to the occurrence of condensation trails, so that may be contributing to what you are noticing.

          • Derek Aire

            Thanks ross, will have a look at that later. I know there’s are seasonal changes in contrail activity. I’m not just looking at this this month and keep an eye on it all year round. I do appreciate debating this with you guys. And to be fair I’m happy about the situation for the moment as it’s nice not to be upset by constant activity. Really I should make a video showing some of the old videos I have around my area then comparing it to what I see today but not gonna bother coz there’s no convincing you debunkers. Tell me this also, do you guys deny the existence of Geo-engineering despite the massive amounts of evidence showing it to be true?

          • Ross Marsden

            Oh, you don’t have to convince me about contrails, which is what we are discussing now, I already know about those.
            Yes, geoengineering exists; there is no denying it. Various forms of geoengineering have been discussed and studied for some time now. There are university courses that can be taken about it and the ecological, social, ethical and regulatory issued that are implied. Governments are considering the regulatory issues with the scientists before anything actually gets of the ground. These are some examples of the evidence you are alluding to, right? This is a good thing, of course, to discuss, study, regulate. And I hope and pray they never start – it would be a big mistake.
            Oh, yes, it’s quite an active area of research and discussion. I’m surprised you think there is any question about its existence. It exists, alright.

          • Derek Aire

            To be honest Ross I don’t question if it exists. I know it does. I was asking you if you accepted it exists and am happy to see you agree that it does and that it isn’t a good thing. Now tell me this. Do you really trust lying governments and elites that much that you’re so sure they haven’t alreasy started this program but are just lying about it? That would explain all the rational people who are convinced that the program is already being delivered via the contrails as this would be the most effective delivery method. I find it hard to believe that an intelligent chap such as yourself would put so much faith in governments and elites who have constantly lied to us about so much for so long. To put it another way, people like me, who are as skeptical as you, (we’re just skeptical of the powers that be and you guys are skeptical of the theories of people like me) have spent many years looking into lots of lots of different aspects of life where governments have lied. I’m not gonna list the lies here coz that would be a whole other discussion, but most folk know that governments lie, specially in big important, national security issues. How can you possible be so sure that you guys are right and I’m wrong on this issue. The evidence is everywhere to support what I’m saying. You’re pretty much just saying that you trust that the government is telling the truth and hasn’t started chemtrails YET… How can you be so sure they haven’t already started geo-engineering yet?

          • Ross Marsden

            I have answered your question in terms of contrails, but it seems you are not asking about those. You are asking about something else. So, could you give us a definition of “chemtrails” what we can work with, then your question can potentially be answered in terms of “chemtrails”. Ok, Derek “copy/paste” Aire?

          • Derek Aire

            What you expect me to write it out all of the 34 times they deleted it? Don’t think so… You know my question Ross. I’ve nothing else to say to you till you give me an answer. Told you, once you answer the question I’ll answer yours. Not wasting my time playing your stupid games. See you tomorrow. See what you can do in the way of a proper answer.

          • Derek Aire

            not gonna play your games Ross. Im asking the question here. Ive asked 30 odd times and still no one has answered it. Tell you what, answer the question and Ill happily answer whatever questions you have.

          • Derek Aire

            And instead of trying to belittle me by saying “your deep and insitefull question, how about stop being snide?

    • Dana Keey

      You are accurate. There is more than meets the eye.

  • Connie Chastain

    If you’re going to write about the “chemtrail conspiracy theorists,” at least get it right what they say and believe. Also, if all these vapor trails in the sky are ordinary contrails, why did contrails behave differently for decades, and started behaving llke the conspiracy theorists say within only the last decade or so?

    I don’t know what they are, but they’re not the contrails I’ve been seeing since I was a kid in the early 50s.

    • We are responding to exactly what the chemtrail theorists are claiming…not sure what you are talking about.

      There has been no difference in the “behaviors” of contrails of the decades, so feel free to explain and provide some evidence to that effect, and we will gladly disprove it. 😉

      To go back to your other question, if not airliners, then what planes ARE making them? How many are there? What equipment are they using and how, in the days of public flight tracking, are these not known? what are they spraying exactly? How are the tens (or hundreds) of thousands that would be involved in such a task ALL keeping silent?

      • You do realize that tens of thousands of Americans (scientists, military personnel, government officials, politicians) kept silent about the atomic bomb, right?

        It is possible when you give the proper motivations (and punishments).

        • Michael Nieuwenhuizen

          True, but that was all people working for one government with one goal. If chemtrails would be real, every pilot in the world would be involved, every airline, companies that build planes, people working at airports “filling” the chems. And that for many decades.

          It would be impossible to keep it secret. Cos these trails don’t just appear in the USA, but also in North Korea, Russia, Cuba, Europe. Everybody’s involved? Totaly unlikely.

          • JS353535

            Not to mention the tens of thousands of personnel employed by aircraft fuel depots. I’m friends with someone in that field and I have discussed this with him. His reply was “Yeah, we’re tainting the fuel with a chemical that makes all the young hotties on the ground suddenly attracted to middle-aged balding men.”

            Chemtrails are bunk.


          • Derek Aire

            oh really…

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

          • Arthur De Clercq

            Lol, you honestly believe just because someone is in ‘that field’ you think they are aware of these things? They wouldn’t have a clue. All these systems are need to know basis, no one has a clue.
            Besides, many of the people who do know are whistleblowers for this kind of shit. Pilots, military personnel, scientists, …

          • nelson3300

            you don’t need “every pilot” around the world, you just need the US Air Force.

        • Scott Imyourrealdad Nagelberg

          Perfect example was D-Day.

      • Scott Imyourrealdad Nagelberg

        The D-day invasion involved how many people and how many nations. It was TOTALLY secret.

      • Derek Aire

        yo liar

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

      • Chris Yurkin

        Why wouldn’t they keep silent? They research and test for their own benefits, regardless of who it effects. It’s not that hard to comprehend… Government has been lying and covering up things for as long as they’ve been in existence. POWER, deception, distractions…. They’ve been experimenting with this for decades upon decades… I think the problem is half of you people suffer from Cognitive Dissonance. Don’t worry though, Government loves you!

      • Chris Yurkin

        Chemtrails Announced News Military Chaff NBC countermeasure In Florida! From MacDill Air Force Base

    • JS353535

      So, Connie, can you present everyone with evidence to support contrails “behaving differently” now than over the past 50 years? If so, I would LOVE to see this evidence. Please build an entire website devoted to presenting this information to the world with detailed data points, photographs, weather information and flight paths of commercial and military aircraft for the past 50 years.

      I’ll be here waiting…

      • Paceride

        I’d love to hear Connie tell us what they believe they’re for.

      • Derek Aire

        never mind that,. how about answering this

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • Paceride

      How can we “get it right what they say and believe” when they can’t even AGREE on what the spraying is for?

    • Chem Tard

      now that’s funny. Chemtrail nutters change their mind as soon as their lies fall apart.

      BTW, that link was to an article in 1951.

      • Derek Aire

        how about your lies then turd?

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

      • Gordon Bennett

        Why the hostility? They aren’t lying people are naturally concerned about what they are seeing and are trying to make sense of things.

  • Dana Keey

    Does Airplane exhaust contain metallic particles? What would ‘chemtrails’ look like if they were to be used in lets say, the fuel instead of installed equipment?

    • Ross Marsden

      Yes, there is a small amount of metallic material from normal “wear and tear”. There will be aluminium (horrors!), titanium, magnesium, and whatever metals the moving parts jet engines are made from.

      • Dana Keey

        So if metallic material can pass through the system, what’s keeping large corporate sell-outs from using resistant nano-particles in the fuel? Don’t we have regulations in place to do just that, regulate the emissions? Is it possible to use unregulated, altered fuel?

        I mean, let’s be honest folks, we aren’t talking about contrail formation here. Seeing for folks is believing, chemtrail theory was a movement to have folks look deeper into elevated levels of aerosols in the atmosphere and upset climate.

        “The reasons for the 10-year increase in stratospheric aerosols are not
        fully understood and are the subject of ongoing research, says coauthor
        Ryan Neely, with the University of Colorado and the Cooperative
        Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES). Likely
        suspects are natural sources – smaller volcanic eruptions – and/or human
        activities, which could have emitted the sulfur-containing gases, such
        as sulfur dioxide, that react in the atmosphere to form reflective
        aerosol particles.”

        “…and/or human
        activities, which could have emitted the sulfur-containing gases, such
        as sulfur dioxide”

        I encourage anyone looking into chemtrails to keep going. Keep digging. Chemtrails is the idea, what you’ll uncover is more important.

        • You are talking about the effects of general pollution. Not sure where “chemtrails” fit in to that. The burden of proof truly lies on those that say it DOES exist, while we just disproved the accusation.

          • Dana Keey

            I’m uncertain that you read my post.

          • Dana Keey
          • It’s not about the EPA, it’s about the joke of a “source” that you linked to. Our article refutes all of that. That’s the whole point of this.

          • Dana Keey
          • Ok. I don’t see what your point is. The air is polluted, yes, but a lot of that is from cars, and there’s no reference as to the military or commercial airlines intentionally spraying anything in the air to make that happen.

          • Dana Keey

            Aren’t chemicals in the atmosphere pollution?

          • Chemtrails do not exist. So maybe you didn’t read MY post.

          • Dana Keey

            When does lead become ‘general pollution’, let alone acceptable ‘general pollution’.

      • Dana Keey

        Also, you ignored the question. What would stratospheric aerosol spraying look like if it were happening?

        • Ross Marsden

          That’s not the question you asked. I don’t know what
          stratospheric aerosol spraying would look like. The planes would be at 60-odd thousand feet; twice the height of the planes you see making contrails. I doubt there would be a visible trail. Would you even be able to see a plane even if you knew where to look.
          Eventually the sky would look kind of milky, like it did in the months following the Pinatubo eruption in 1991. Do you remember that? After all, the stratospheric types of geoengineering are supposed to mimic the effects of the massive volcanic eruptions, aren’t they?
          Anyway, not a good solution. It’s not going to fix the meandering jet-stream (and consequent crazy weather) or reduce the acidification of the oceans. We need to stop dumping CO2 in the atmosphere, and remove a shitload of excess CO2 that we have already dumped there.

          • Derek Aire

            pretty sure I spoke to you on that other shill site

            contrailscience. Proven disinfo artists who lied before then when it came out they started contrail science.

            heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

            Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

            For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

            “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

            If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

            I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

            Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

            The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


            Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Leafs

    OK and what about GEOENGINEERING?
    What about Solar Radiation Management?

    Geoengineer David Keith explaining WHAT WHY and HOW his group is spraying to dim global warming:

    • MaggieSk8

      Geoengineering is real and is being proposed as a solution, and a poor one at that, to human-caused global warming. Geoengineering is NOT being employed on a regular basis. It’s NOT being employed via chemtrails. Chemtrails are a myth.

      Geoengineering technology is in its infancy and as David Keith points out, there are a number of potential negative side effects. Beyond that, it doesn’t fix all the problems of increasing CO2, including ocean acidification. It makes much more sense to simply reduce CO2 emissions.

    • Michael Nieuwenhuizen

      This is one of the tactics of chemtrail believers. As soon as you ask them for proof or proper evidence (which they don’t have) they come up with some other half-baked theories or related stuff that may be true. And then if you agree that one of those options do happen, they conclude that chemtrails must be real too.

      • Leafs

        I have no reason to believe something what isnt actually there.
        but the people who are behind geoengineering have reasons to lie and not inform the public.
        I suggest you should take a look at and see it for yourself.

      • Derek Aire

        what about the tactics of deniers who can’t answer a simple question and make me post it 18 times up till now?

        heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

        Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

        For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 19th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

        “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

        If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

        I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

        Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

        The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


        Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Julian Gamisch

    hey there,

    an investigation and study about “climate and geo engineering” has been published by the Kiel earth institute in 2011.

    A Eu-wide petition to stop geo-engineering (chemtrails) is run by the former spanish agriculture ministress.

    The funny thing is, my grandpa has worked on the airport, I had a long chat with him about this whole thing. He is a conservative guy, who would never believe in such things, even if they were brought in prime time news.

    Although he mentioned, that it would be very unlikely to have a contrail that exists over more than several hours. The physical conditions for this ARE extremely rare (pressure, humidity).

    New teaching books claim, that contrails usually exist for several hours, this is just not true.

    Just compare: some of the plains leave trails, some aren´t.

    I ask you why? – no, not all of them are flying in the barrier air layers with the perfect conditions for contrails.

    Chemtrails definetly exist!!!!!

    What I cannot tell is why they are beeing sprayed; means, I am not sure how far I should follow the conspiracy-theory.

    Fact is, that Austria (the place where I live) have had the most high tides in short periods for the last 100 years. All these high tides have been century high tides by themselves.

    So maybe read the publication by the kiel earth institute and decide afterwards.

    many greetings, julian

    • Chem Tard

      Why would a contrail not be able to last? It’s made of ice crystals. It’s in the sky at 25-35 thousand feet up where the temperatures are -50 to -70 degrees. Are you thinking that ice would melt anywhere near those temperatures?

      Even grade school kids understand how ice works.

      • Julian Gamisch

        because the wind in these heights (especially in borderlayers of air, where they are likely to appear, will tear them apart in less than 1 hour!


      • Julian Gamisch

        did you have a look in the paper though?

  • Alan Knownas Anomias

    Its a Conspiracy, I think not, check this out from the UN

  • stan69

    Not to be confused with geo-engineering, of course: The only debatable aspect is whether or not it is already taking place or just being researched / talked about.

    • stan69

      Interestingly, the word ‘chemtrails’ appears in this bit of US congress legislation:
      No tinfoil hat wearing involved, just proper research! Jury’s out for me.

      • stan69

        This guy knows what he’s talking about (NB: I don’t subscribe to the hysterical, assumptive description under the video)

        David Keith Presents Solar Geoengineering Lecture at Stanford University

    • And just how is geoengineering any different from chemtrails? Geoengineering, a very active practice where you can find evidence on numerous government websites with forms, documents, guidelines, etc, involves the use of particles, chemicals, and flight paths.

      It DOES take place.

      Search google for “weather modification permit” and you will find each state’s programs. They include the cost to acquire the permit, and describe basic guidelines. There are no clear regulations on what is allowed to be used in the skies.

      Several of the government sites even indicate on their forms which kind of chemical the permit requestor is using.

      I don’t even understand how people can possibly say this is not going on when you have all this evidence.

      I could link these all day.

      It really pisses me off to see all these people not doing any research for themselves to see that the government is licensing weather modification and geoengineering testing out to COMMERCIAL companies, with little restrictions.

      You can even find a log for some states, of which companies have permits. Cloud seeding, weather modification, etc is chemtrails. it requires particles of various metals and chemicals to induce clouds. I’m sorry, but “making rain” using chemicals is the issue here, and yes, it is chemtrails.

      Do you know why the statement that “how can hundreds of thousands of people stay quiet about this?” is ridiculous? Because it’s not a secret! No one feels compelled to talk about their involvement in weather modification because… IT’S LEGAL! Everyone has permits, and every state has provisions.

      My guess is that it’s fun to slam down the “conspiracy theorists” as crazy, instead of using a brain, a Google search, and some rational thought.

      • stan69

        The difference is simple.

        ‘Geo-engineering’ is a known field of climate science which includes already commonly practiced weather modification programs (cloud seeding) as well as research into controversial technologies to combat global warming that have probably been tested but are as yet, officially at least, not rolled out. Info on the former can be found here:

        ‘Chemtrails’ refers to a particularly bonkers fringe of the internet’s ever expanding ‘everything’s a conspiracy brigade’ which routinely attaches its longing for mythical government de-population and population control programs to be real on to everything from legitimate cloud seeding, normal aircraft contrails and supposedly unusual looking cloud formations…

        These are two completely different things.

        That’s not to say that government’s and the rich and powerful don’t conspire to keep people in the dark fighting amongst themselves, lest they were ever to unite, realise the extent to which they are being screwed over and rise up against their oppressors. Nor is it to say that said people don’t actively seek to take out those that they see as a threat or a hindrance to them.

        Of course they do.

        It is to say that it is completely, 100% ludicrous to believe that they would go about this devilry by dumping chemicals on the entire planets population, including themselves, on a regular basis.

        In fact, if I were part of the ruling elite and in the business of having to keep the real extent of our corruption and debauchery hidden, I’d probably invent a ridiculous, fake conspiracy that I knew the lunatic fringe would amplify above all else, enabling us to tar any and all questioners of our authority and practices with the exact same brush… like, erm, ‘chemtrails’.

      • stan69

        The difference is simple.

        ‘Geo-engineering’ refers to a known field of climate science which is primarily about weather modification (cloud seeding) but also includes controversial techniques to combat climate change that have almost certainly been tested but have not as yet, officially at least, been rolled out.

        Info on the former can be found here:

        Info on the latter can be found here:

        ‘Chemtrails’ refers to a particularly bonkers fringe of the internet’s ever expanding ‘it’s all a conspiracy!’ brigade which routinely projects its longing for all manner of mythical government de-population and population control programs to be real onto legitimate cloud seeding practices, normal aircraft contrails and supposedly unusual cloud formations.

        These are two separate things.

        That’s not to say that governments and the rich and powerful don’t conspire to keep people in the dark and fighting amongst themselves, lest they were to unite, realise the extent to which they are being screwed over and rise up against their oppressors. Nor is it to say that those people are not in the business of taking out those they consider a threat or a hindrance to them in some way.

        Of course they do all that.

        It is to say that it is 100% completely ludicrous to believe that they would seek to achieve this by dumping known to be dangerous toxic chemicals in to the ecosystem of the entire population, themselves included, on a regular basis.

        Of course they don’t do that. Don’t be so silly.

        HINT: If were a member of this ruling elite wanting to ensure that the true extent of our corruption and villainy remained hidden, I’d probably invent a completely ridiculous fake conspiracy that I knew the more paranoid out there would amplify above all else, allowing us to tar any and all questioners of our authority and practices with the exact same brush… like, erm, chemtrails.

        • You have much too much respect for corporations.

          You claim that it is ludicrous that any negligent dangerous behavior would take place, yet let’s just look at the LONG list of oil spills by oil companies that damage our environment in an effect to pipe and ship oil all around the world.

          You don’t think that the same could happen with corporations trying to make rain clouds? You are naive and you trust your government and corporations way too much.

          There are NO legal restrictions on what chemicals or substances can be used in the skies to create clouds. Show me any legal bylaws that indicate what is illegal to put in the skies. You can’t, because it doesn’t exist. They are free to perform any experiments or daily weather modifications — as long as they have those permits.

          There is a LOT of evidence to suggest this is occurring on a regular basis. You are welcome to submit a request to see the list of permits. You will find tens of thousands of permits for your state, over just the last couple of years. That’s a permit for nearly every day of the year.

          You won’t do the due diligence. You will just dismiss it until it’s too late.

          I suppose you don’t have children. I do. I worry about what they are breathing in. Not only is smog from cars, trucks, and airplanes bad enough, but then they have to breathe in potentially toxic materials intentionally sprayed in the air to “create rain.”

          If they are really trying to prevent the damage of global warming, I think the risk is reasonable. But please, don’t insult our intelligence by trying to say that they are not doing this. The proof is there.

          Google it. I already did half the work for you.

          “weather modification permit”

          • stan69

            The only person being dismissive Kevin is you. You obviously haven’t understood my comment and position.

            I have zero trust in governments and corporations, no sane, aware and intelligent person would. But that’s not the issue you raised. The issue you raised was the suggestion that the nonsense de-population / dumbing down chemtrail conspiracy and actual geo-engineering are one and the same thing.

            When they patently are not.

            You seem to now accept that – but are instead suggesting that the recklessness of governments and corporations could inadvertently amount to the same thing.

            Show me verifiable evidence that cloud seeding and geo-engineering has had a negative impact on human health and I might be prepared to agree with you on that. I suspect however that you have none. It sounds to me as though you are coming from a fear orientated, belief and assumption based place rather than one of actual evidence and knowledge.

            Btw, you have also linked to the exact same site that I linked to to illustrate the difference between chemtrails and geo-engineering… like I said, you clearly have not understood my comment and my position at all. If you had, you would not have bothered writing half of what you have written above.

      • Chem Tard

        Kevin, you are simply confused. First off, contrails are all that you are seeing up there. If you doubt that in any way, shape, or form, you are free to grab a mid air sample and find out what’s there. Just as all the other chemtrail liars could have. But you and they will not. Why? because it would end your fantasy.

        Geo-engineering, = real. But…..until you can show it IS being done, by all evidence, it’s still in the discussion phase. And if it was done, you don’t know what it might look like. For a common sense filter, think about why there is a moratorium put in place by NATO to prevent geo-engineering if all NATO countries were doing it. Seems just a tiny bit counterproductive.

        And lastly, if you and those who like to “just look up”, would spend a little time “just looking facts up about clouds and weather” then you and they would see how idiotic the whole chemtrail fantasy really is. But it’s fun to think you are important enough for “them” to be “after you”.

        • Derek Aire

          really, answer this then dude?

          heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

          Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

          For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

          “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

          If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

          I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

          Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

          The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


          Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • think , learn , read , opinion , beter use free energy discs , on air

  • PS

    Just because one man speaks why do we all have to agree…

  • I appreciate the effort here, but where is the science? Most of the captions “debunk” the photos by simply saying “this isn’t a chemtrail, this is just a *insert opinion here*”. I’d much rather see facts and analysis, not your opinions.

    This does not effectively debunk anything.

    • Benjamin Granucci

      The captions were not opinions regarding what they might have been showing. Each photo was researched, and documented causes were stated.

    • Chem Tard

      All the facts you could ever need. But you won’t read them. it’s not going to placate your paranoia.

  • fubuhead

    Fuel dumps aren’t considered CTs?

    • Benjamin Granucci

      Technically, they could be considered one. However they are not part of the Chemtrail Conspiracy. That they occasionally occur is well documented and not disputed. Also well documented is the reason why fuel dumps occur: to reduce weight below the maximum safe landing weight of the aircraft in cases where there is a need to land shortly after takeoff.

      • fubuhead

        Thanks 4 taking the time 2 answer. I’ve been aware of this 4 at 10 yrs if not longer. Truly despicable what’s being done. As well as the long list of numerous other ways humanity is being attacked!

  • michael

    Cloud seeding (rainmaking…stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) is almost as old as commercial flight) -same old-same old… only now climate change and its spin off energy/carbon policies are big bucks.

  • Joe Truth

    Nice article. Do you get paid by the word? Love your favorite buzz word “non-evidence”. Keep up the good disinfo efforts. People like you make me laugh.

    • No, we don’t get paid for the article. We, as an organization, get paid by advertising impressions, so thank you for your contributions!

  • Joe Truth

    And I like to laugh…

  • Joe Truth

    Do you also write about MK Ultra, Operation Northwoods, Waco, 9/11, OKC, Haarp, The Lusitania and Titanic, The Federal Reserve, Pearl Harbor, the USS Cole, the JFK assassination, RFK, MLK, Ruby Ridge, Jonestown…

    Whew…I could go on for hours but my fingers are cramping…

    In the words of the infamous Buzz Lightyear…”You’re a sad, strange little man. And I pity you.”

    • You pity us? That’s…odd. You seem incredibly paranoid and suspicious of every bad thing that happens in the world…that is a sad way to live life. Especially when it comes to chemtrails…the most easily debunked conspiracy theory out there. Good luck, my friend.

      • Joe Truth

        Paranoia is a treatable medical condition. Suspicion is a hunch based on plausible evidence. Conspiracy is not a lack of evidence, but an effort to conceal evidence. One cannot deny truth and fact. The truth is no govt in the history of mankind has ever had the best interests of its citizens in mind. Historical fact supports that (ie the incidents I list).

        I support your right to either spread disinfo (paid or unpaid), or simply choose to be arrogant enough to fall victim of the normalcy bias.

        Your emphatic statements of “non-evidence” scream “I’m a paid shill”, which comes across in the same vain as trying to tell a 5-2 man “hey, you’re not THAT short”.

        • Well the burden of proof is on YOU to show that chemtrails being are sprayed by a majority airliners, and that contrails as we know them are not real.

          Ball’s on your court.

        • Chem Tard

          Calling someone who onws you in a debate a paid shill is the weakest move you can make. Next I suspect you will trot out the “i’m rubber, you’re glue” retort. Grow up sport.

      • Joe Truth

        I truly did not try to start an argument more than point out that if you are a paid disinfo agent, then using the term “most easily debunked conspiracy theory” doesn’t help your efforts. I cite clear evidence as your enemy, especially since the neocons are slowly admitting to spraying “something”.

        You appear to want to BE right rather than wanting to learn WHAT is right. So to borrow your last sentiment…good luck, my friend.

        • You’ve actually cited zero evidence that airlines are doing this.

          Generating meager revenue from advertising makes me a paid agent of disinfo? That’s a stretch.

          As you mentioned earlier, I hope your medication for paranoia becomes more effective.

          • Joe Truth

            Take care and be safe.

          • Joe Truth

            Burden of proof? Bahahahahha.

            Your first mistake is thinking I care what you think. I’m not trying to convince you of anything, hence no need for me to prove that 1+1=2. It clearly does. I just enjoy watching disinfo agents go to work. Quite amusing. Kind of like how 19 cave dwellers foiled the 40 top intelligence agencies with box cutters and more than 2.0 ounces of shampoo.

            Let’s go have a beer. Over and out.

          • Chris Yurkin
  • JS353535

    THANK YOU for this!!!!!!!!!! I’m so f’king done with this whole chemtrail conspiracy BUNK I could puke. Enough is enough–there is NO SUCH THING. Everyone take your tin foil caps off and look at the facts of the situation.

  • Eduardo Nuno Barros Mascarenha

    chemtrails don´t exist. but the weahter and climate interference of aviation, the way it´s changing the amount of sun light, we get, and the impact in our daily lives is undeniable and unnaceptable…to normalize aviation trails is the same then normalizing polution….being used as “beautiful” pictures….it´s pollution…even water is the main green house gas and delivered in such altitudes creates real interferences as science says….stop running away from responsbailitie using the chemtrails argument as a shield

  • Eduardo Nuno Barros Mascarenha

    inoquous….then you don´t understand why people don´t trust this explanations….AbstractPersistent contrails are an important climate impact of aviation which could potentially be reduced by re-routing aircraft to avoid contrailing; however this generally increases both the flight length and its corresponding CO emissions. Here, we provide a simple framework to assess the trade-off between the climate impact of CO emissions and contrails for a single flight, in terms of the absolute global warming potential and absolute global temperature potential metrics for time horizons of 20, 50 and 100 years. We use the framework to illustrate the maximum extra distance (with no altitude changes) that can be added to a flight and still reduce its overall climate impact. Small aircraft can fly up to four times further to avoid contrailing than large aircraft. The results have a strong dependence on the applied metric and time horizon. Applying a conservative estimate of the uncertainty in the contrail radiative forcing and climate efficacy leads to a factor of 20 difference in the maximum extra distance that could be flown to avoid a contrail. The impact of re-routing on other climatically-important aviation emissions could also be considered in this framework.

  • Dustin James

    OK this really did not explain much yes thereis a rare atmospheric conditionswhere at the condensation can leave a longer trail then usualhowever sis pretty rare and on a bright sunny day when you see several of them leaving these long trails and another jet in the same sky leaving short trails behind itthat tells you that that condition is not there and the jets spraying this stuffare not commercial jets lose commercial pilot or military jets military this is a private program going on which does not disclose what how when or why they’re doing this .it isn’t a question as to whether they are spraying something or not there’s already come out and admitted s we are sprain I believe congress is trying to decide weather what they’re spraying should be told or not toldto the public although they did sayhow does consist of chaff.this is up military product it’stiny reflective strips aluminum something even be almost powdered originally wind sprayed out the back of the jet which confused a in coming missile later is used for what this company calls global atmospheric temperature regulations program this is not a secret this is out for the public

  • doodahman

    LOL. All you’ve done is note that a persistent contrail mimics a chemtrail. Unless you can match actual observations with altitude, humidity and temperature data, you prove nothing about what it is you’ve seen. Chemtrailers note one thing that no debunker can address– chemtrails have multiplied by several orders of magnitude over the last several years. Thousands upon thousands of observers have noted this. The photographic record supports this. Yet, the physical atmospheric parameters necessary to create ice particle persistent contrails has not increased. Trails are constantly observed well below 30,000 ft, in non humid conditions, in higher temp ranges. Something you debunkers simply ignore.

    • Derek Aire

      never mind hiding behind you’re superior aviation knowledge and answer a simple question.

      heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

      Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

      For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

      “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

      If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

      I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

      Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

      The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


      Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • doodahman

    And looks like the more you try to stamp out the theory, the more people stand up for it. Good work! At this rate, the theory will be mainstream in a year.

  • JS353535
    • 1337Ghost

      do you know that it turned out those contrailscience guys had a similar site all about morgellons disease, running for years until it came out it was all true and they slinked off back under the rock they crawled from till they set up contrail science. Pretty horrible people lying to the public like this. Spent a fair bit of time debating with them a good few years ago and wasn’t surprised when found out that into…

  • Chem Tard

    In order to “believe” in the chemtrail meme, you have to actively disregard known science. You have to disregard common sense. Since powered flight, there has been contrails. You can look back through history and find pictures and even first hand accounts of contrails. A brief look into meteorology and looking into cirrus clouds and how they are able to last more than a few minutes will make even the most hard headed chemtrail nutter take notice.

    The entire premise started with “trails that last longer than “X” minutes are chemtrails. Since that is easily explained away, it needed to be fluffed up. Now it’s everything from SRM, to spraying blood from babies on you to slowly weaken your immune system.

    The money. Yes, there is money to be made. Go look at any chemtrail site and notice the important thing. A DONATE button. Give to the cause. Buy some detox pills and a t-shirt. Help spread the word. It’s expensive and if you don’t give, you don’t care enough. nevermind that over $50 thousand dollars was collected and used to make the fake-u-mentary what in the world are they spraying. If 1/5 of that was used to get mid air samples, and something WAS found, the entire world would HAVE to take notice. But, knowing that finding ice crystals would end the steady flow of money, the pied pipers keep playing you their tune.

    But the favored tactic is moving the goal posts. You show that those pictures are just contrails, next you have to defend geo-engineering. Then you will be shown a 1997 paper from USAF cadets about owning the weather in 2025. They will disregard the preface which explains why it was a fictional exercise and call it proof. (kind of crazy to claim the “gubbament” is telling you the truth there, and lying everywhere else, even if you aren’t bright enough to understand it.

    • Adam

      Quite the conspiracy theorist aren’t you

  • Look Up

    the dude who wrote this is sadly retarded!

  • Look Up

    im going to send all my friends this way to put you guys in your place ! Get ready for facts and evidence. weather wars 101

    • Belfrey

      Nice pictures of fallstreak holes. And a long list of links, including one from that debunks the whole idea. Can you give an example of a piece of empirical evidence that supports the belief that those trails are anything other than persistent contrails?

      • truthIShard2hear

        I wouldn’t trust at all. The guys behind that website had a similar debunking site, debunking the idea of morgellons disease I think it was. Once that was proven to be true they slunk back under the rock they’d crawled from until they set up contrailscience. I suspect they’ll be crawling back under that same rock now that the government and scientists are starting to admit the geoengineering projects are real. Of course its all for our own goods to combat global warming. yeah right.

        • Belfrey

          Please feel free to provide any evidence that “the government and scientists are starting to admit the geoengineering projects are real.” “Look Up” is the guy who posted the contrailscience link, but feel free to show that any of the information provided there is wrong.

  • Derek Aire

    Not looked into this for a few years but can you chemtrail deniers answer me this? If theres nothing going on, why have they gone back to only happening very rarely? A few years ago, every day the skies were covered with them all over the world, then all of a sudden they seemed to stop. Now I very rarely see them. I see natural contrails very very occasionally, as you’d expect to find, but I never see the whole sky completely covered like we used to a few years ago… How do you deniers explain this?

  • Derek Aire

    lol @ deleting my comment. Ill put it back on then. what you guys like?
    What Id said before was – I haven’t looked into this for a few years but can you chemtrail deniers answer me this… If contrails / chemtrails as we call them are such a natural occurrence, why have they pretty much stopped over the last couple of years? Has the atmosphere and the laws of physics suddenly changed? Up till maybe 2 or 3 years ago you could hardly leave the house without noticing that the sky was completely covered with these things all over the world. Once lots of people started noticing what was going on they suddenly went back to being the rare occurrence that they’re meant to be. I know contrails can form naturally but they’re pretty rare, like I say the skies were completely covered by them now you can hardly spot one or two never mind the whole sky being covered like was the case for a few years. Either the geo-engineering program has stopped or more than likely they have started doing them at nighttime only. So anyone got a good explanation as to how this could possibly be the case? Be interested to see if you delete this comment also.

  • Derek Aire

    wow. you guys are hilarious. I suppose that was too good a question for you paid dis info agents to argue against. you’ve deleted my perfectly good question twice now. The last time took you 7 minutes. Always knew I was right about this and you’re helping confirm this even more.
    Question is. If contrails are naturally occurring, then how come they don’t cover the skies any more? Has the laws of physics changed coz too many people started to catch on? Or have they maybe started doing them at nighttime?
    Now instead of deleting my comment for the third time, how about giving me a reasonable answer? Oh yeah you can’t coz its obvious whats going on. Ill be refreshing the page to see how long it takes you to delete the question again. Suppose you don’t like it when presented with a valid argument from someone who isn’t a foaming at the mouth tin foil hat wearer. I look forward to hearing your reply whoever it is thats deleting my posts. LMAO!

  • Derek Aire

    confirmed dis info agents. If this is meant to be a discussion then instead of deleting my comments how about engaging with me instead. You’ve deleted this comment 3 times now. If you’re telling the truth then you MUST be able to answer the perfectly reasonable question. So here it is AGAIN, for a 4th time….

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?
    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I look forward to seeing what you do. Might wanna just delete this piece of dis-info website coz I aint gonna stop asking this question…. Whatcha gonna do?

    Hope you’re getting paid well for what you’re doing and don’t really know how you can live with yourselves to be honest. Ill be watching to see when you delete this one.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys sweating yet? Always knew I was right about this.
    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 5th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?
    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys sweating yet? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 6th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?
    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys sweating yet? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 7th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

  • Derek Aire

    Im not gonna stop asking the question till you answer it or close this page down. then Im gonna ask every other debunking website the same thing, and get others to do the same, till you take all these dis info sites down.

    So answer it or close down the page.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys sweating yet? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 8th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

  • Derek Aire

    oh and answer your twitter. Don’t like it when someone has a good point do you? You been lying about this for too long. Most sensible people know this but I aint gonna let you lie to eve tone else… I got lots of time on my hands….

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys sweating yet? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 9th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.

  • Derek Aire

    If you weren’t lying you’d be able to answer my question and you wouldn’t delete it 9 times. CLOSE THIS DIS INFO PAGE DOWN SO I CAN GO TO THE NEXT ONE AND HAVE THAT CLOSED DOWN TOO. Stop lying to people. We aint all dumb.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys sweating yet? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 10th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 11th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.

    • I completely agree! They occurred every single day for years, and then all of a sudden they stopped being regular. Of course, because it sounds so crazy no one seems to want to give it a look. There’s proof everywhere (government laws allowing for weather modifications, official government permit forms, total revenue from permits, etc), and yet they continue to say it’s impossible.

      • Derek Aire

        this is the smoking gun question Kevin. They can’t answer.

    • My comment got deleted too. Interesting.

      • I’m done here. People aren’t interested in talking about science. They’re interested in patting each other on the back and supporting their approach that people who question the lines in the sky as crazy. That’s fine. No skin off my back. Enjoy the chemical airways then.

        And yes, there’s proof of daily weather modification tests. Search for the weather modification permits in your area and you will see that each metro area has daily tests. Thousands of permits a year, and yet only 365 days in the year.

        • Mark Pickworth

          How ironic.just like you nutters do on the chemtard and conspiracy sites.

          • 1337Ghost

            how ironic that you’re here calling this dude stupid but the best retort you could come up with was that I had a big nose. (yeah I un-banned myself from this pathetic site just to tell you that you’re the biggest idiot Ive met in a long time.) Stop calling people nutters and idiots when you’re too stupid to even discuss the matter at hand.. Moron! lmao

          • Mark Pickworth

            no you are

          • 1337Ghost

            dude you’re so dumb that when I was trying to engage you in debate and asking you serious questions, the best you could do was saying I had a big nose. Why even be on a site like this is thats the best you can do?

          • Mark Pickworth

            Nothing better to do I suppose.

          • 1337Ghost

            could say the same for you moron. No one is making you reply to me either. Or do you mean you have nothing better to do? in which case get a life.

          • Mark Pickworth

            How ironic that my care factor for ANY of your comments or oppinions is zero.keep replying mate.I wish it was this easy to get a bite when I go fishing.

          • 1337Ghost

            I will keep replying to you moron coz I like verbally assaulting you. Might stop soon though. Isn’t fair. You don’t have the mental capacity to fight back and you certainly don’t have the brains to actually debate the issue at hand.

        • 1337Ghost

          They know whats going on Kevin. A few of them have confirmed to me that they KNOW that geo engineering is real. theres just too much evidence for them to deny it. So it comes down to whether they trust the elites and the governments to be telling us the truth. Whenever I ask them if they really believe the government is telling the truth about the program being started they clam up. then they banned me and deleted all my comments. That worked out well for them since I unbanned myself within a few minutes. Yup, this site is a confirmed dis info site. Just like the guys who run contrail science. Turned out those guys had a similar site all about morgellons disease, running for years until it came out it was all true and they slinked off back under the rock they crawled from till they set up contrail science. Pretty horrible people lying to the public like this.

      • Derek Aire

        absolutely. they can’t keep deleting everyones comments unless they wanna make it a full time job. Im going on every website and encouraging everyone to ask the same question on all of the sites till they close them down. Also gonna see if info wards will do an article about it and we can have ALL of these government disinfo sites down. What did you ask? The same question?

      • Derek Aire

        Turned out they hadn’t been deleting my comments. I was mistaken. What comment did they delete of yours? They still haven’t managed to answer the question yet tbf.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 12th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


  • Derek Aire

    Can you be bothered deleting these comments all day every day? Im gonna get other people to keep asking the same question till you close this page down.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 13th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 14th time Ive asked this question. Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.

    YOU GUYS ARE PATHETIC! guess you gonna have to make deleting these comments your full time job instead of lying to people.

  • Derek Aire

    see where you went wrong was you deleted the first one too quickly. if you’d been brave enough to keep it up there a few hours I mightve forgotten about it and gone back to other stuff. Once you deleted it twice I knew I had you by the balls.

  • Derek Aire

    so either close down the site or answer the bloody question you liars. If you think its bad now wait till I spend a few ours plastering the internet on every site with the same question and get hundreds of others to do the same This is a question you can’t just lie about with your oh so superior aviation attitude.

  • Derek Aire

    another flaw in your lies is that the UK have stopped but it seems the US government is still doing it. So has the atmosphere and the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lmao. got you by the balls you dis info agents…

  • Derek Aire

    maybe better hire some staff to do the deleting for you coz its gonna be a full time job till you close this page. I know a lot of people and like meeting lots of new people who can help me ask the question 24 hours a day

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 15th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    another flaw in your lies is that the UK have stopped but it seems the US government is still doing it. So has the atmosphere and the laws of physics only changed in the UK?

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 17th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire

    must say you’re pretty determined not to answer this. wonder how long it’ll take you to realise this question ISNT GONNA GO AWAY NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES YOU DELETE IT.

  • Derek Aire

    you’re slipping. you left the comment up for 4 minutes so far. lol

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 18th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire

    you’ll be pleased to know Im going to bed soon. but not before I get other people to ask the question while I sleep.

  • Derek Aire

    close this lying page down. All you debunkers on here. I know youre not all agents. How does this censorship make you feel? Still believe their lies?

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 20th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    ooh 5 minutes. you been asking your bosses what to do yet?

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 21st time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    So do you know you’re working on behalf of the NWO or are you just not wanting to admit you were wrong about this? Cant you even answer one of my questions?

  • Derek Aire

    what you’re doing is wrong. If Im wrong, answer me instead of being lying cowards

  • Derek Aire

    come on, just one little comment back in reply…. would love to hear what you have to say…

  • Derek Aire

    disgusting censorship. you should be ashamed of yourselves.

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 22nd time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    wait till you get a load of everyone else when I take enough time off from posting these comments to have them get involved. you having this much fun with me. wait till you have to delete hundreds of people asking the same question. The game is over for you guys.

  • Derek Aire

    Ill make a deal. Ill stop posting for a few hours if you reply to me just once.

  • Derek Aire

    you liars make me sick

  • Derek Aire

    don’t you guys have families or people you love? this is hurting them as much as everyone else? Would would you lie about this? Must be well paid being a shill.

  • Derek Aire

    Lucky for you guys I been too busy to participate in the discussion last few years, but your censorship has piqued my interest. Well done.

  • Derek Aire

    come on, its a simple question, just answer it. You must have a pre-planned lie, or did you hope no one would ever ask the question?

  • Derek Aire

    too scared to actually reply to even of of my other questions if you can’t answer this one. How about nice simple one… Who’s your favourite football team? Must be able to answer that one surely, or you just gonna ignore me and hope I go away?

  • Derek Aire

    and again.

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 23rd time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    You’re lame

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 23rd time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    now send my first 100 xbox live friends the message telling them to ask you the same question…. Answer it or close this shill site down. Off to message another 200 people now. lol

  • Derek Aire

    oh yeah. Ive helped most of these 300 people out on xbox so Im sure a few of them will be up for helping me ask the question. Then when Ive had a sleep tomorrow and get onto forums, people will realise what we have with this question. Got you lying smart asses running scared. love it.

  • Derek Aire

    another 100 messages sent. 100 more to go. would’ve been better just to answer me. nearly 4 hours been at this with you guys now? Bet you wish I was already dead from the chemtrails. lmao

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 24th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    you’ll be happy to hear Im going to bed soon, hopefully others will take up the challenge as they start to see my messages and posts, failing that I will be back tomorrow. your best bet is actually conversing with me coz I AINT GONNA STOP, at least till you delete the page to answer, then Im going to the next shill dis info site and doing the same.

  • Derek Aire

    ok, 300 message sent to my XBOX buddies. hope to see some of them here soon. Reckon you may be in for a long night… Then my friends in UK will see my posts when they wake up. You’re gonna have to answer it, delete the site or even worse, leave the question up there for all to see and ponder themselves… good luck keeping the lie going then.

  • Derek Aire

    all you have to do is ask me to stop. or don’t you wanna be seen as the person conducting this hideous censorship and lying on such a big issue. Im sure you’re not even agents, just smart ass aviation types who are so arrogant you think you’re never wrong, met a bunch of you on contrail science, but then you could always wiggle out of it by making out you’re so much smarter than us, yet you can’t answer a simple question and spend 4 hours deleting comments. not so smart after all huh?

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 25th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    really not so smart are you guys? Why not just answer me? you must be getting driven nuts by now you bloody cowards!

  • Derek Aire

    maybe have someone ask MI5 to come have a word with me. Dunno what you guys do in these situations. Suppose you can usually lie. Guess thats not gonna work this time or you wouldn’t have deleted my comment 25 times.

  • Derek Aire

    see this os nothing for me spending 4 hours posting these comments. This is an important enough issue. Always wanted to shut you disinfo sites down.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 26th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 27th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If chemtrails are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire






  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire





  • Derek Aire






  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 29th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    at least Ross marsden had the courage to reply. Albeit with a pathetic reply, didn’t even address the question, just tried to use wordplay to wriggle out of the question.

  • Derek Aire

    fair enough Ross, you’re more of a man than the dweebs who keep deleting the comments. Pathetic little people that they are. Spending over 4 hours deleting comments rather than at least try to give me a satisfactory answer.

  • Derek Aire

    although you didn’t manage to give me any sort of answer either? Try and attack the question, chemtrails don’t even exist he said so my question didn’t make sense. that the best you could do? I remember you being a bit better than that back when we spoke on contrail central. Pretty sure I remember talking to you like 4 or 5 years ago

  • Derek Aire

    no come back Ross? Sorry Im not intimidated by your superior aviation knowledge as this comes under plain common sense and you can’t play superior with it.

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 30th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire


  • Derek Aire

    going for a smoke. you got a 5 minute repreave you coward. Suppose you gonna ignore my twitter message too scum?

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 31st time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 32nd time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    why do you keep deleting it? Why not at least try and wriggle out of it like Ross Marsden has. At least he replied to me twice, again by using word play and trying to not answer the question, but still, at least he tried…

  • Derek Aire

    remember Ill do this day in day out till you answer it or close this disgusting piece of disinfo trash down? What is it? Is it that you thought we were crazy, then when it all came out you didn’t wanna look stupid?

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 33rd time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

    • Mark Pickworth

      You really have issues mate. Get some proffesional help asap.

      • Derek Aire

        The opinion of a muppet has no bearing on me so go screw yourself. If you have nothing constructive to say just S.T,F.U. No one denies get engineering is real. You have issues if you believe they haven’t already started it.

        • Mark Pickworth

          Constructive? You post the same post 20 times,say your posts are being deleted,insult people as you tell them don’t insult you.yep I have massive issues.geoengineering is real, conspiracy there.chemtrails are a figment of your tiny go put your tinfoil hat back on before they get you with their mind ray.

          • Derek Aire

            and looking at your other comments on here it seems to be your strategy to try and insult peoples intelligence, and calling them whack jobs… Christ even your picture on here has you sporting the tin foil hat. Does it make you feel big and trying to insult peoples intellegence? lmao.

          • Mark Pickworth

            Me wearing the tinfoil hat is obviously a piss take.You know,sarcasm? And as for intelligence.First learn how to spell it
            intellegence? What a dummy

          • Derek Aire

            Yes, I obviously know it’s sarcasm you wearing the tin foil hat, are you really stupid enough to think otherwise? And if you want to bring the conversation to something you’d usually find in a child’s playground be my guest. You really are a complete idiot. Now please go jump off a bridge you prick!

          • 1337Ghost

        • Mark Pickworth

          All great comebacks from an obvious mentally challenged person.

          • Derek Aire

            And there we go again with your usual retort. Ooh mentally challenged. I’m so upset that a moron like you thinks I’m mentally challenged. Your the idiot who agrees that geo engineering exists yet spends his time denying chemtrails. Get a life you bloody weazel.

          • 1337Ghost

            pity the public can’t see my great comebacks as the cowardly censors running this site decided I was ripping you too badly to keep the comments up. lmao. You got REKT

  • Derek Aire

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 34th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    alright guys, been at 5 hours now and its nearly 8am so Im gonna get to bed. See you guys tomorrow. That’ll give you some time to think of a proper answer too Ross Marsden since you the only one capable of at least trying to stonewall me.

  • Derek Aire

    och why not, once more… lol

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 34th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    have a good rest guys. You deserve it. Mustve been a real pain having to censor me for 5 hours. See you tomorrow.

  • Derek Aire

    its an interesting approach you have Ross. Cant answer the question so try and talk around it and make the question disappear. The question is still there though bro and anyone with half a brain knows it which is why the site censors won’t allow the comment to stay at the top of the page. Make sense?

  • Derek Aire

    Just when you thought it was safe to close the censor shop.

    heh heh. lmao. You guys must be loving me? Always knew I was right about this.

    Just gonna copy and paste it now, changing how many times you delete it. Close this lying website down if you can’t answer it. You’re gonna be looking pretty foolish and make it more obvious what was happening up till a few years ago.

    For anyone who sees this in the 5 minutes it takes the agents to delete the post, this is now the 36th time Ive asked this question. Yeah Im pretty determined to have them answer… Guess they don’t wanna answer it.

    “If contrails, as you call them, are a natural occurrence, why have they stopped over the last few years? Have the laws of physics suddenly changed?

    If its so natural why don’t they happen any more and why have they returned to being a pretty rare occurrence when we used to see lots and lots of them every day?”

    I can keep going for months with this. I love exposing the lies of you debunkers.

    Answer my question or close this dis info page down. Im not gonna give up asking till you answer or close it and Im gonna have others do the same.

    The last time I tangled with you debunkers on this issue I did so for months and months… Loving watch you sweat…. Your silence is DEAFENING.


    Oh and another thing. My friends in the US tell me this is still happening there. So have the laws of physics only changed in the UK? lol

  • Derek Aire

    Ok. NGL. Started posting at 4am when probably should’ve been going to bed and the comment would appear at the top for a bit then when I refreshed it, it disappeared from the top. Im not too used to forums so thought they were deleting the comments. Wasn’t too happy that they were deleting them, (So I thought, someone else messaged me saying they were being deleted too, which fuelled my suspicion.) He got back to me to let me know he wasn’t deleting them, so fair enough. Apologies for being a maniac and posting the same thing so much. Honest mistake, though my question remains unanswered to my satisfaction. Ill speak to you guys tomorrow.

  • 1337Ghost

    You pathetic cowards might be able to ban me but guess what, it takes me 2 minutes to set up a disqus account so good luck with that. Suppose its easier to ban me than to answer my perfectly reasonable questions properly eh? Maybe I shouldbt have used profanity against the idiot Mark Pickworth but the guy was so dumb I just couldn’t help myself telling him to jump off a bridge. To be honest it would be doing him a favour. Must be hard to go through life being so dumb. As for you cowards, despite most of you now accepting there is too much evidence to continue to deny geo-engineering, do you REALLY believe it hasn’t started yet or are you just finding it hard admitting you were wrong / lying through your teeth all this time? Remember ban me again if you like, is easy enough to un-ban myself again. Takes maybe 10 seconds to do…

  • 1337Ghost

    I see you did actually delete all my comments this time too. Well done.

    So how come chemtrails have stopped in the UK and if you all now admit geo-engineering, are you really dumb enough to think it hasn’t started yet?

    Good luck keeping me banned. Promise not to use profanity so long as the moron Mark Pickworth doesn’t contact me with his idiotic comments.

  • 1337Ghost

    you mustve been busy deleting all the comments which didn’t support your point of view. Looks like 160 or so you had to delete. Guess was right after all about your censorship eh? Remember, ban me all you want, you can’t stop me posting here. Hard luck.

  • cantBstopped

    and the deleting war is really happening this time. Knew my instincts were right about you. The only thing I was wrong about was that you were sleeping the first night or you’d have been deleting those comments too. You guys really are pathetic. Just keep the anti chemtrail comments up that look a little less thought out so that the page isn’t too obvious but taking down anything that might sway casual readers to the truth? How can you do this? I got a million email addresses, so really can’t stop me no matter how often you ban me. Might as well try and use your superior intellect. lol to try and beat me, but no don’t think thats gonna happen coz you’re cowards and you know Ill wipe the floor with you.

  • cantBstopped

    its obvious to anyone who knows anything about all this that this is now confirmed. Im just doing this to you coz I don’t like you manipulating people who haven’t looked into it fully yet. As for your little supporters on here, guess they just don’t know any better

  • truthIShard2hear

    yeah you know its me again. now instead of deleting me how about answering my perfectly reasonable question. You all can’t deny that geo engineering is real. Some of you have admitted to me that you know is real.
    Do you really trust that the governments haven’t already started despite all of the laws and treaties about it, the permits required to do so. Why would they write all this up if it was only a theory? Cant believe you actually believe this isn’t already happening. Do try and engage with me. Is easier than having this censorship battle. Give me a good answer and I may even go onto the next similar website instead.

  • Justin

    Get educated – One of the worlds leading engineers is actually part of the chemtrail spraying think tank – he is talking about them – many of you are still trying to debunk chemtrails when our government is telling us that they are going on. These chemtrails can kill. Get educated:

    • truthIShard2hear

      Its completely obvious this is going on. The only ones not to realise this, or accept it, are these debunkers. Now so much evidence I expect them to start crawling off into the darkness. After so many years of arguing with them on this it would be interesting to hear them trying to debunk the scientists and governments now talking about it. Its all for our own good they’re saying now rather than denying it. Some debunkers accept that geo engineering is very real but are delusional and think it hasn’t started yet or are still being paid to deny it. Cant decide which.

      • Justin

        Absolutely “truthl”! Debunkers, time to start with the government and the government scientists who are saying that not only are they spraying us, but that they have been spraying us for a very long time. Go online and find “Owning The Weather by 2025”. I mean, honestly, you have to refute evidence in order to even think there are not chemicals being sprayed right in our faces.

        • Belfrey

          Have you noticed the part of the “2025” document at the beginning, where it explains that it is a speculative work that does not describe real policy? And have you noticed that the content is about weather modification, not geoengineering?

      • Justin

        Is there a way that I could contact you, email, etc..?

        • truthIShard2hear

          Hi Justin, sure, don’t wanna leave my email on this shill site though. how can we get in contact? Glad they finally gave up on trying to ban me from here though. lol only took them a week to realise they couldn’t keep me banned more than a minutes or two.

          • You can both email us and I can swap your address with each other. [email protected].

          • truthIShard2hear

            wow. thanks for the offer Phil. tbh Ill see if we can come up with another option. really do appreciate the offer but I have trust issues with you guys if Im 100% honest.
            Oh and thanks for stoping trying to ban me from the site. Im not here to abuse anyone, only wanted to take part in the debate. All the best.

          • Justin

            Email me at this dud email address, [email protected], then I’ll give you my real one.

          • truthIShard2hear

            sent. 😎

          • truthIShard2hear

            never did hear back from u m8… did you get my email?

        • truthIShard2hear

          set up an email address for you to get me on Justin –

          debunkingdebunkers (at)

          lol, yeah ikr. Feel free to get in touch. Anyone else for that matter too.
          let me know when you sent a message on the disqus thread. And thanks again for the offer Phil.

    • Belfrey

      Justin, David Keith there is talking about geoengineering methods that are proposed for the future. He’s not saying that it’s being done now.

  • Joe Buccellato

    Global warming is a farce and is only a scare tactic to get people to believe that “Geoengineering” would be needed as well as excepted.
    The climate has been changing all by its little lonesome for billions of years and it will continue to do so for billions more even if man still exists or not.
    I’m not saying that blowing all our toxic pollutants into the atmosphere is good by any means… because it’s NOT… but it certainly isn’t making the earth do what it wouldn’t be doing naturally anyway.
    Depopulation however is a whole other issue for which many people clearly know nothing about nor believes it is actually being secretly done.
    MAN makes many products that are solely MEANT to harm us and people put their trust in those who would much rather hurt us, cheat us, LIE TO US and swindle us just to either make a profit OR to kill us with.
    Remember… anything that is seen on TV, sold in stores, SPRAYED OVER OUR HEADS and comes out of the presidents mouth were all evaluated first before being allowed to the public by the ILLUMINATI’S and them evil elites…
    And let’s not forget what their master plan is.

    As far as them long lasting, crystallized “Contrails” that spread out far and wide and block out the sun day after day and all damn day…… why wasn’t it such a noticeable phenomenon “Always” then.
    There were plenty of planes in the sky long ago when we were kids and I NEVER remember seeing them leave strategically placed “criss cross” pattens “every day” like I have been seeing for the last year and I know you people haven’t either.

    Harrp… in case you haven’t heard of them… is (and has been) experimenting with weather altering and “Goeengineering” plays a major role within it.
    Kind of explains why it had snowed last year when the temperatures were in the high 40’s and a whole state had to be shut down and was immobilized because of a mere inch of fake, unmeltable, and overly slippery snow.
    I know… you probably have an explanation for that too.
    You want proof… do some research of your own instead of listening to people who are on the take themselves and are only meant to steer you in the wrong direction.

    “David Keith” is a mad scientist with even crazier beliefs and ideas.
    He has no clue to what the future of geoengeneering has on our planet and to us people and he even said it at one of his pathetic seminars yet he still praises and promotes it to no end.
    I know living in denial is easier for most people because the sick and disgusting truth would simply interfere with their happy little lives.
    But looking the other way while your very own corrupted and compromised government is trying to stop the inevitable climate change while either killing us all off OR making us sick enough to where we all end up signing up for “Obamascam” in the process is not going to save us and our planet one bit.
    The proof is in the pudding.
    All you have to do is stop drinking the kool aide in order to embrace it.

    • Chris Yurkin

      Don’t forget AL GORE is behind a lot of this Geo-engineering as well.. Taxing CO2 when CO2 only makes up about 0.00005% of a greenhouse gas. The number one is Water Vapor.. CO2 is Not the cause of Global Warming. Climate Change has been fluctuating for hundreds of thousands of years…

  • chipper
  • Chris Yurkin

    There is plenty of Evidence supporting the “chemtrail” theory… These
    people do independent studies and are NOT out for money…. Even the
    airforce Admitted to this. Wake up sheeple….

  • Chris Yurkin

    Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

  • AsleepNoMore

    What a load of unmitigated crap. Chemtrails are frequently laid where there is no commercial flight traffic (not exclusively). People have tested the stuff that falls from chemtrails. The most common ingredients are aluminum, strontium and barium, with varying other additives.

    Some mixtures have been so thick that they form drips from the trail and a few really bad mixtures have dropped thick blobs to the ground which have been tested. People in Golden Valley, AZ area are finding extraordinary levels of common chemtrail ingredients in their blood and urine when tested by health professionals. (Arizona is a very low humidity area so, according to this nonsense, there should be virtually no chemtrails there.) One member of Arizona’s congress held meetings with the public to hear their testimonies and complaints about chemtrails (there is a video out of at least one of the meetings).

    You can watch two planes flying in the same area at the same time, with one leaving the real contrail that disappears steadily behind the plane, and the other leaving the horizon to horizon junk in the sky.

    Aluminum is slightly flammable in its own right. Worse, it inhibits plants’ ability to take up water. This has resulted in drier plants and wildfires that burn larger and hotter and are harder to fight. Eventually plants will be unable to grow because of the aluminum levels in our soil from chemtrails. But don’t worry. Monsanto has patented aluminum resistant seeds so we can all beg them for their seeds if we want to eat.

    Too much information to cover here. If you want the truth, check out the documentary films “What In The World Are They Spraying?” and “Why In The World Are They Spraying?”.

    Or check out the Air Force whistleblower Kristen Meghen who, when she saw the chemicals they were using (she was responsible for tracking hazardous materials for the Air Force) and started asking questions, was told to sit down and shut up or they would discharge her AND take her child from her. She gives speeches on the subject all the time now that she left the Force, readily available on youtube.

    P.S. No one who has looked into chemtrails thinks they are only in the United States. You can find people in other NATO countries complaining of them too in their news sites’ comment sections.

  • AsleepNoMore

    If your “information” were correct, there would be no need to cast aspersions on those who have researched chemtrails by lumping them in with Roswell people. But claiming 9/11 is a conspiracy is rich. I can’t tell you exactly how it went down, but I can tell you that the official fairytale is a joke. Maybe you should look into it.

    Here is a great five minute summary. What makes it great is that everything in it is fully documented with links to videos, documents and other proof right below the video. Happy learning!

  • Andrew K Fletcher

    So you doubt the validity of chemtrails and believe that no government in their right mind would spray dangerous substances over an unsuspecting public and then keep it quiet from generations that follow???? Think again!

    • Regardless of concept, no one is showing any actual evidence of flights currently doing any of this. All that anyone in these replies have done is share speculation about what is currently happening.

  • nelson3300

    The theory is not that “all contrails are chemtrails”. Nobody thinks that. That is retarded. I am at a loss of words, you guys have no idea what it is you are trying to debunk.

    • Colophon

      Yes it is. One of the leading proponents of chemtrails is Russ Tanner. He says, and I quote “It is impossible for modern jet engines to create contrails. If you see a trail behind a jet, then it is a chemtrail”.

  • Joe O.

    There are 144 “geo engineering” patents. Wake up morons!

    • The debate isn’t whether or not the concept of geo-engineering exists, but the fact that no one has shown any actual evidence of any organization, agency or entity actively spraying to the extent accused. No close up photos of the aircraft types, the equipment doing it, the people flying it…nothing.

  • Rob P

    Contrails require high altitude and low dew points to form the ice crystal contrails. They dissipate fairly rapidly (being ice crystals). Chemtrails can last up to 18 hours in the sky and can spread up to 40 miles creating a haze while numerous trails can create there own weather front. If this is not being done- explain why One would need a weather modification license and in any case, a law for weather modification. The easiest one to find is Texas- – just google Texas law on weather modification- this is the easiest state to find. They keep the laws on the state level to avoid national attention. The laws also exist in California, Nevada, Colorado Arizona but are much more difficult to find. Next look up David Keith- a Carnegie Melon aerosol geoengineer. There is a youtube video of a discussion on this topic in which a reporter questions him on the possible effects on the health of people with the spraying 10 to 20 megatons of Aluminua (an aluminum nanotechnology) in to the atmosphere. He states “Let me be careful here, we (Carnegie Melon) are just now investigating the effects of Aluminua on health and could find in the future that it could cause some very bad things”. He also states that aerosol geoengineering could become very difficult if the public finds out about it and reacts in a negative manner. The little worm then states that this is not really a moral issue – it is more like riding the back of our grandchildren. Now that you have an opening to investigate the truth- lets see if you are a person of integrity or a disinformation worm.

    • Colophon

      Weather modification does not create trails in the sky, and it is not done anywhere near the altitudes where these trails form. You seem to be conflating cloud seeding with geoengineering: the two are totally unrelated.

      You also totally misquoted David Keith. He was talking about the possibility of geoengineering creating a “Moral hazard” (ie the idea that if you erect a safety net you will do more dangerous things). He stated that doing nothing about global warming would be “free-riding on our grandkids”.

      • Rob P

        You fail to associate the science of weather modification and geoengineering. Seeding clouds with silver iodide as discovered and first implemented by Ben Livingston creating torrents from simple clouds and lacing the atmosphere with aluminua are of the same creature but with different objectives and outcomes. Either way it is being done behind the curtain with most people oblivious to it happening all around them. On top of it – web site like this instruct the sheep to look away there is nothing here to see. As for David Keith and his quote- I just watch it again- you tube – geoengineeringwatch David Keith – you are incorrect – his is speaking of the testing using aluminua in the atmosphere when he speaks of it not being a moral hazard – it is more like riding the backs of our grandchildren .

        • Colophon

          You are incorrect on just about every count.
          1) Cloud seeding (weather modification) is nothing to do with geoengineering. The former works on a local scale by modifying the properties of clouds in the lower atmosphere. The latter would work on a global scale by altering the reflectivity of the stratosphere as a whole.
          2) Neither is being done “behind the curtain”. Cloud seeding is done openly, with licences issued by public government and available for inspection by anybody who wishes to do so. Geoengineering is not being done at all, and the studies of the various proposals are being done exceedingly openly and transparently: witness the several international conferences that have been held in recent years where the science has been discussed and debated. These events were held in public and anyone could register to attend. Indeed, some (such as the one in Cambridge, UK) actually included public sessions that were totally free of charge.
          3) You are again repeating your error about David Keith. As he states in his own words, his quote about the “moral hazard” and “free riding on our grandchildren” refers to the risks of TAKING NO ACTION to halt climate change. Here are Keith’s own words, verbatim, in response to that direct question: ***On “Moral Hazard”, this is a technical point for economists. when you think carefully about the definition its clear that’s quite the right way to describe SRM, “free riding” another econ term that more accurately describes what we are doing when we don’t cut CO2 emissions. To be clear, I do mean “putting off addressing the problem of climate change is like free-riding on our grandkids”. It’s not that SRM is free riding, it’s that over enthusiasm about its potential may encourage less action to cut emissions.***

          • Rob P

            We are not going to agree – for all those interested – Ignore my postings – ignore this anonymous person’s posting – do your own investigating – Dane Wigington- geoengineeringwatch –
            Aluminum levels in shelter water and exposed ground soil in areas of heavy spraying are extremely elevated as are strontium and barium – these paid disinformation web host try to convince you that what you see in the sky is perfectly normal – the science is available as well as video evidence – think for yourself – do your homework

          • Colophon

            I love the way you say “think for yourself” but then suggest that people go and read a known fraudster’s website. Dane Wigington is a paranoid delusionist, as his own family will attest. He seems to think that aluminium should not be found in ground water, when in fact it is the most abundant metal on the planet! Anyone who spends more than half an hour looking into the chemtrail hoax will see it for what it is – utterly ludicrous.

          • Rob P

            You are certainly tenacious with the denial of something that you claim is not worth 30 minutes of time. You said that weather modification is not a secret – yet where can one go to find out who, where and for what reasons is the weather being modified? What methodology is used- most of the public is oblivious- when did the Feds or states come out and announce that they were modifying the weather? When did it start? How does weather manipulation in one area affect surrounding areas / regions? There are no Government resources providing these answers – but they have you out there denying everything.

  • I always wonder if some of these debunkers are really dumb themselves or they think people are that stupid.

  • Davidp4660

    Funny how misleading people are. I watched 2 silver SILENT planes side by side, one spraying chem trails, the other nothing at all. Under high power binoculars, planes were un marked, but no noise. At the altitude they were at, I should have been able to hear an engine sound. But quiet, just like a glider. They are spraying something. Just this AM, at about 8 o clock, 5 stripes, miles long were in the sky. As I gaze up, there is a silver quiet plane expelling trails. Sorry, but something is not right here.

    • Colophon

      And how exactly do you think a plane could spray a trail “miles long” thick enough for you to be able see? I often see trails stretching from one horizon to the other, that is 300 miles or more. Eyeballing the width and comparing to the visible width of a plane at that height, they can easily be half a mile wide. 300 miles long, half a mile wide, and you think it is something being sprayed out of a plane? Do me a favour…

  • Davidp4660

    I notice that some, the very same people advocating the man made climate change hoax, are so readily able to dismiss HAARP, ELF and GWEN towers and chem trails as causes. What could possibly go wrong shooting particles in the ionosphere, or use of ultra low frequencies, or dropping chemicals? Nope, it’s all about fracking and drilling. Smh!

  • F Gregg Meagher

    Yeah right! The commissions in the United Nations and EU on Geoengineering (Chemtrails, in Italy Scie Chimiche) aren’t real either right? The NASA files are not real either? The scientific findings and witnesses are not real either? Get lost with your poor attempts to cover-up the Reality of the existence of Geoengineering and Chemtrails!

  • blueiiris

    To anyone who like me came to this well informed article to figure out how to combat this stuff. You are better saving your words and keystrokes battling the current converts. Instead I just downloaded PlaneFinder AR app – what fun!! I plan to show the children I meet and everyone where the topic comes up, that they can point the app to a plane overhead and see what it is. Its not a mystery or a conspiracy. I think knowing that you can ID every plane is a vaccine to those who have not yet fallen for the nonsense.

    Demystifying the planes around us is very powerful. Most folks don’t know just how much commercial traffic there is constantly overhead, and how good the available data is… so they are very vulnerable to the density of “facts” that the chemtrail conspirators put out.

    It is also very fun. eg I just heard a plane go by… it’s Korean Air flight xyz SFO-Soel I think that is exciting – imagining all those passengers headed somewhere exciting. Then a local timber company jet going between small local towns. Show folks they can use the registration number to lookup the company for private jets, see what airfield they live at. SEE those X and criss-cross fligt patterns attached to identifiable planes and exactly what routes generate them etc. See that an ordinary person can verify takeoff and landing places by simply watching the planes trajectory on screen. If they want to be sure the data isn’t fake they could literally go to an airport or call a friend near one to verify the flight. An enquiring mind could even find humidity information for different altitudes and do some fun citizen science with kids. This will vaccinate them from the conspirators poisonous message.

    Yes I say conspiraTORS because my own personal theory, is that the ‘conspiracy SEEDERS – those who post the original websites and dense sciency-style “documentation”, and fan the flames on forums and youtube, are the global warming deniers who want to create a smokescreen of fear about even discussing or researching ways to solve Global Warming. A FALSE FLAG (as conspirators are so fond of calling things). And should any serious options be put on the table to address the REAL climate crisis, anyone discussing real solutions can now be branded as part of the New World Order, or a David Icke Reptilian trying to destroy normal Americans through mind-control and mass sterilization… or whatever.

    it was a relatively inexpensive campaign for those conspiraTORS, not hard to mobilize the usual conspiracy-faithful through existing hall-of-mirrors online conspiracy channels with a small tide of fako-sciency websites (and of course Coast to Coast AM!). The fans and the fearful will keep the snowball rolling.
    And “they” win when we are all squabbling about nonsense, while the big money is on business as usual with coal, oil and gas, and spraying herbicides and pesticides on every field, roadside and clearcut, and selling roundup for every lawn in the country, thus benefiting big oil, industrial agriculture, industrial timber, and big chemical companies. Business as usual on Wall Street, while total muddle prevails amongst us, the masses. AKA money well spent.

    Don’t know the urban/rural divide on this matter, but seems to me in my rural part of the country, where the plane traffic is more of a mystery that the believers are taking hold at quite a rate. In bigger cities where the planes are no mystery (most are headed to and from a clearly identifiable large airport), people are more likely to simply understand air traffic to be what it is.
    However, thank you John for a great article!

    • Colophon

      Yes it’s quite amazing that the ready availability of flight tracker apps hasn’t killed the chemtrail conspiracy theory dead. Instead some of them now think that the airlines are in on it!

  • Rodimus Prime

    Simple science and easy to research.Conspiracy theorists are not only stupid, but exceedingly lazy.

  • Bill Sanders

    Nice try! This article is lame. Chemtrails serve many purposes. Creating a projection screen for Project Bluebeam holograms. Seeding humans with toxic chemicals to dumb them down, make them sick and kill them. See Agenda 21 depopulation goals.

    Seeding humans with third strand DNA. Experiment on humans with Morgellon’s disease. Block out the sun – thereby reducing vitamin D3 consumption and reducing the food supply. Magnetize the atmosphere to conduct ELF, VLF for mind control purposes.

  • robert

    what a crock of *****, anybody can see in this video , the sprayers turning off and on between the engine exhaust ! when are you deniers going to wake up ?

  • In this article one claims that ordinary jet engines produce particles that lead to tracks which look like chemtrails. That is simply not true. Normal aviation does not produce these misty stripes that linger and spread out. Chemtrails are a fact and are producef from aircrafts flying in specific formations back and forth over a predestined area, spreading out specific aerosols. There also exist a spesidic chemtrail research and specific registered chemtrail patents What is secret, however, is the total use of these patents, but any observant persons can see them in use over large areas. This article is grossly misleading, .

    • Colophon

      That is total nonsense, as you can easily prove for yourself by using flight radar apps (or even a decent telescope if you don’t believe them) to identify the planes leaving contrails.

  • Miriam Erez

    And yet, one of the first things I noticed upon moving to Israel was the lack of contrails, and the ones that are visible are faint and dissipate quickly. Have any chemtrailers thought of looking up flight logs for their areas?

  • Vladislav Yakov

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  • Cynthia Marie Klenk

    As a pilot (single engine) rated – I have tried to explain this to some folks who are convinced. They seem to be unshakable in their beliefs…. I explained using logic, physics and fluid dynamics – but in simple terms….. to no avail . I have coined this the “Paul is Dead” syndrome. Back in the day, the Beatles enjoyed playing mind games, particularly John, and so they would put out little “Paul is Dead” snippets and watch the reaction. This is a great article, but I fear will fall on deaf ears who wish to believe something is nefarious about water vapor and engine burn particulates. Those particulates are quite obvious to the olfactories to anyone standing around a jet engine….. its the lovely stench of burning kerosene, like the stench of burning diesel fuel from a truck. – although Jet-A is quite refined in relation to truck diesel, the particulates are much the same.

    • The science behind contrails does not inherently disprove chemtrails. There is endless evidence of active “weather modification” by private companies given by state government licenses — it is public data and right out in the open for you to see. Those, by definition, are chemtrails, because they are intentionally putting micro-particles of various chemicals and metals into the sky in order to apply effects on the weather.

      That’s good that you can prove that contrails exist. And we would all agree with you. Condensation trails are basic science! Proven. But your problem is that you are insinuating that it proves that chemtrails also don’t exist, and you are doing so without facts.

      • Belfrey

        The “chemtrails” idea has to do with persistent, visible cloud trails across the sky, and the belief that they are caused by intentional release of chemicals for some purpose. Cloud seeding for weather modification involves the release of chemicals (usually silver iodide) into existing storm clouds, to induce or enhance precipitation. It does not create persistent, visible cloud trails that look like contrails. So cloud seeding does not equal “chemtrails.”

        I agree with you that persistent contrails are a proven fact, backed by several decades’ worth of documentation. But many chemtrails believers do claim that contrails can’t persist; it’s actually one of the main premises behind that whole conspiracy theory. And there is no evidence that the trails that appear to be contrails, are actually something else.

  • jannad88

    Chemtrails are real.

  • Ray George


    • I’d have to see what you’re referring to, but yes, they probably are commercial aircraft if in the LA area.

      • Ray George

        Flying in circles ?…..Making designs…..GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!

        • Belfrey

          Commercial jets do sometimes fly in circles, for example when placed in a holding pattern. And various criss-crossing patterns are inevitable, because the air traffic is very busy, especially near LA. Check out to see the many planes flying overhead right now.

  • Jane Doe

    Great article! There will always be that margin / percentage of people that are just plain stupid! Nor will any true science change their delusions of grandeur. Normally these idiots would have been removed from the populous by “Natural Selection”. Unfortunately, they are now a protected species, depicted by the overly redundant warning labels and warrantless products removed from the market. It’s ironic that the percentages of these stupid chemtrail conspiracists share the same characteristics of the growing population of Tide Pod Poppers.

  • Jane Doe

    PS…Funny how these exact chemtrails are seen over Washington DC, which debunks all the chemtrail conspiracists’ theories that the government is dropping chemicals or viruses on the populous.

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  • Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovic

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  • Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovic

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    Dr. Khaibullin Timur Tagirovich
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